The Black Excel College Newsletter Archive!!
(The Most Powerful College Archive Gateway in the USA: 2000 to the Present)
May, 2000
Howard University to Offer an Online MBA
Five Oldest Historically Black Colleges and University
Group Predicts Odds Of Getting Into U-Vaties
June, 2000
Howard University: An Update
The Most Popular Bachelor's Degrees
Spelman College: An Update
Florida A&M Gets Law School
July, 2000
Harvard to Offer Doctorate in Black Studies
Georgia Tech Still #1 in Black Engineering Graduates
White Students at Black Colleges
August, 2000
Emory tops colleges for black faculty and tenure
Judge Tells Black Colleges to recruit whites
September, 2000
Halle Berry to Give Keynote Address at Princeton University:
144 Things to Do while at Syracuse University
October, 2000
Do Master's Degrees Really Pay Off?
Xavier University of Louisiana is #1 in Placing African Americans in Med School
November, 2000
Howard Univ. Is No. 1 In Producing Black Ph.Ds.
Hampton and Tennessee State U. Make "Most Wired Colleges" List
A Training Program For Future Doctors at U. Penn
December, 2000
African Americans and Degrees Awarded
Amazing "Believe It Or Not" Endowment Note
January, 2001
Top Universities Graduate Black Students (But National Rates Low)
February, 2001
Where Are Our Black Law Students at the "Highest Ranked" Law Schools?
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Parent Loan for Undergraduates Students 4.1% Borrow 100% the cost of college education.
March, 2001
Free Summer Minority Medical Education Program
(for our aspiring future doctors)
April, 2001
Harvard Acceptance Rate Hits All-Time Low of 10.7%
HBCU Engineering Schools
May, 2001
Law Schools to Reassess Use of LSAT Scores?
Average Law and Medical School Student Debt after Graduation
What "Feeder" Colleges Do Black Law Students Apply from?
June, 2001
Do HBCU Graduates Contribute to Their Schools?
Do More African American Men or Women Enter
Medical School?
July, 2001
Historically Black Medical Schools
Colleges Where Black Students Are Enrolled at Over 10%
August, 2001
Brothers Not Keeping Up: More College Statistics!
A Note for Incoming College Freshman: "Things to Bring"
September, 2001
Boston University's Early Medical School Selection Program (EMSSP)
Minority Graduates of U.S. Medical Schools:
Trends, 1950-1998
October, 2001
The Top Graduation Rates of HBCUs
November, 2001
The HBCUs: Where Do Our Students Apply?
December, 2001
Medical School Applicant Pool Continues to Decline
The African American Pre-Law School Advice Guide:
Things You Really Need to Know before Applying to Law School
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FREE $5000 for College Tuition
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Parent Loan for Undergraduates Students 4.1% Borrow 100% the cost of college education.
January, 2002
Top 10 "Best Black-College Web Sites"
Smith College Summer Science and Engineering Program
February, 2002
PAYING THE BILL: the Keys to the FAFSA application
Aid Opportunities for International Students (help resources)
March, 2002
Xavier University Stays on Top (94 Graduates Go to Medical School)
April, 2002
Top 10 Law Schools for Hispanic Students
Black Colleges and Online Education
May, 2002
How Valuable Is Your College Degree?
(Ten Majors Employers Are Looking for)
June, 2002
Hispanic Scholarship Fund: Part III
Law School Help
July, 2002
HBCUs: Where Are the Black Males?
Debt of HBCU Graduates (Sample Listing)
August, 2002
The Class of 2006 (A Sampling of Black Enrollment)
How To Actually Win A Scholarship?
September, 2002
More Black Males in Jail than in College? Why?
Where College Students Never Stop Studying?
SPONSORED LINKSFree $5000 Scholarship
FREE $5000 for College Tuition
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Borrow 100% of the cost of your child's college education!
Parent Loan for Undergraduates Students 4.1% Borrow 100% the cost of college education.
October, 2002
The Official Guide to American Bar Association Law Schools
November, 2002
Black Enrollment at the Nation's Highest Ranked Medical Schools, 2002
December, 2002
Black Student Acceptance Numbers at Highest Ranked Universities
and Liberal Arts Colleges (Fall 2002)
January, 2003
Historically Black College Acceptance Rates 2001- 2002
February, 2003
The Percentage of African-American Students at
"America's Leading Universities"
Smith Summer Science and Engineering Program
for Women
March, 2003
Medical School Graduates: By Race and Ethnic Backgrounds
Why Are HBCU Presidents Leaving?
April, 2003
Federal Scholarships for Minority Students
(A New Web Site)
May, 2003
On-Line MBA Programs (Regionally and Professionally Accredited)
War Duty Takes Students Out of the Classroom:
(But What Do the Ethnic Numbers Say?)
SPONSORED LINKSFree $5000 Scholarship
FREE $5000 for College Tuition
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Borrow 100% of the cost of your child's college education!
Parent Loan for Undergraduates Students 4.1% Borrow 100% the cost of college education.
June, 2003
Do Black Students at Prestigious Colleges "Segregate
Themselves?" Some Stats!
Getting Your Child into Harvard, Yale, or Princeton: Feeder Schools!
July, 2003
Scholarship Basics: Black Excel Offers a Major Tip
August, 2003
Gateway to 100+ HBCU Libraries
Where Are Our Black Dental Students?
September, 2003
Percentages of Black Students in Colleges across the US
October ,2003
Morehouse College Ranks Among the Top Feeder Schools
to Elite Graduate Programs
November, 2003
SAT/ACT Scores of Black Students Compared with Other Groups: 2003December, 2003
Rate Your Professors: A New Website
January, 2004
Directory of US Art Schools
February, 2004
100+ Summer Research Gateways for
Undergraduates: 2004
Nursing Scholarships List (26 Gateways)
March, 2004
Harvard Will Help Low-Income Students With No Tuition Due
Where Are Black Law Students?
May, 2004
2004 Resource Guide of Summer Opportunities for Minority University Students
June, 2004
How Much Is a Master's Degree Worth? Other Degrees?
Are Black and Latino Students Graduating? An Overview
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