The Black Excel Newsletter
June, 2003
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1) Do Black Students at Prestigious Colleges "Segregate Themselves?" Some Stats!
(2) Florida A&M University Revels in TV Deal Worth Millions!
(3) The Art of Choosing a College: Tips for Visual and Performing Arts Students
(4) The 16th Annual Fall Black College Tour (Nov. 19-23, 2003, from San Jose, CA)
(5) Getting Your Child into Harvard, Yale, or Princeton: Feeder Schools!
(6) The Black Excel "Scholarship Gateway" Is a Major Resource
(7) Coppin State Degrees Questioned? The Latest Update!
Do Black Students at Prestigious Colleges
"Segregate Themselves?"Here are some statistics from an article that recently appeared in The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (Issue 39). The following excerpt from this relevant article points to the percentages of Black Students living in Black Program or Theme Housing....
The "Self-Segegation" Percentages:
Oberlin College---(30.5% living in Black Program and/or theme houses)
U. of Pennsylvania---(24.4%)
Wesleyan University---(21.8%)
Cornell University---(21.2%)
Stanford University---(20.6%)
Amherst College---(13.6%)
Bryn Mawr College--(13.00%)
Brown University---(11.9%)
Mass. Institute of Technology---(11.0%)
Dartmouth College---(10.4%)
Washington and Lee University ---(7.0%)
Bowdoin College---(2.9%)
U. of California at Berkeley---(2.9%)
Emory University---(1.0%)For a comprehensive JBHE overview and related commentary, go to
Florida A&M University Revels
In TV Deal Worth MillionsFlorida A&M University just announced (6/6/03 news story) that it is securing a television contract with the Urban Broadcasting Company that could help the HBCU eventually reach 20 million cable viewers, and change the face of Rattler sports. One telling comment: "We want to make Florida A&M University a national brand. That is our goal. If you haven't heard of us, you will. We are about to step out into the limelight and show ourselves. This is historic."
FAMU president Fred Gainous said "the deal--which could bring in a guaranteed $7.5 million and as much as $24 million over five ears--ranks among the school's most significant accomplishments in recent history." The Marching 100 band played to thunderous cheers at Lee Hall when the news was announced.
Congrats to Florida A&M! For the full story, go to:
The Art of Choosing a College:
Tips for Visual and Performing Arts StudentsFrom the NACAC website:
Students who wish to study visual or performing arts have some unique challenges and options during their college search. If you're considering a major in music, art, dance, or drama, read this for some advice from the experts. Go to:
The 16th Annual Fall Black College Tour
(Nov. 19-23, 2003, from San Jose, CA)Della Tours new tour is for 5 Days and 4 nights (cost: $910.00). The HBCUs scheduled are Spelman, Morehouse, Clark-Atlanta, Oakwood Colleges, and Alabama A&M. Campus tours and orientations depend on the availability of the university staff.
The trip cost covers: round trip air fare to Atlanta, 4 nights in hotels in Georgia & Alabama (4 to a room), charter bus, and tickets to the Alabama A&M vs U. of Arkansas-Pine Bluff football game.
$250.00 deposit required ASAP and NO REFUNDS after Sept. 15, 2003. The starting flight departs from San Jose International Airport. An ID and medical insurance is required.
Make checks or money orders payable to: DELLA TOURS.
For more Info call Carl Ray at 408-259-6516 or 408-259-9470; Email:; Snail Mail to: Della Tours/10123 Bon Vista CT/San Jose, CA 95127.
Getting Your Child into Harvard, Yale,
Or Princeton: Feeder Schools!In Sept. 2002, an article titled, "Getting Inside the Ivy Gates" by Reshma Memon Yaqub appeared in Worth Magazine. The author wrote about "feeder" schools from which large numbers of students get into Harvard, Yale, or Princeton. The facts confirm the idea that an elite
group of private schools give their students a tremendous advantage in the admissions process. Indeed, graduating students from these "best" private schools get into the Ivy League schools at very high percentages. The lesson learned after the author did research? "A college feeder system is alive and well in America!" Just one of the
author's points: "Nationwide the ratio of students to guidance counselors is 490 to one. A more typical ratio at the private schools on our list is 40 to 60 students per college counselor." That's only one of many telling
advantages for the rich and/or privileged.Top 12 Private Schools (out of 50 listed) getting students into Harvard, Yale, or Princeton (Based on the percentages of the 1998-2001 graduating classes):
1. Roxbury Latin School, West Roxbury, MA
(21.11% of its graduating classes)
www.roxburylatin.org2. Brearley School, New York City
(20.90% of its graduating classes)
www.brearley.org3. Collegiate School, New York City
(20.00% of its graduating classes)
www.collegiateschool.org4. Groton School, Groton, MA
(17.86% of its graduating classes)
www.groton.org5. Dalton School, New York City
(17.58% of its graduating classes)
www.dalton.org6. Spence School, New York City
(17.16% of its graduating classes)
www.spenceschool.org7. Horace Mann School, Bronx, NY
(16.77% of its graduating classes)
www.horacemann.org8. Winsor School, Boston
(16.74% of its graduating classes)
www.winsor.edu9. Milton Academy, Milton, MA
(15.84% of its graduating classes)
www.milton.edu10. Phillips Academy, Andover, MA
(15.68% of its graduating classes)
www.andover.edu11. Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
(14.75% of its graduating classes)
www.exeter.edu12. Trinity School, New York City
(14.60% of its graduating classes)
www.trinityschoolnyc.orgRead an online Washington Post interview with the author at:
The Black Excel "Scholarship Gateway"
Is a Major ResourceThis gateway leads you to thousands of scholarships, including lists we have created and major portals like Fastweb and others. Here's a sampling of a few of our original Black Excel contributions. Many colleges and universities feature these resources at their websites.
The Scholarship Gateway: 100+ Minority Scholarship List. Nursing Scholarships (26 from Black Excel) Aid & State Scholarship Gateways learn the A, B, C's of actually winning scholarships, you would be wise to checkout our "Get-the-Money-Guide" (pages 87 to 113) in The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide.
Coppin State Degrees Questioned?
The Latest Update !An excerpt published June 1, 2003 in the Tallahassee Democrat.
Student With Integrity May Get the Last Laugh
by Gregory KaneSOME FOLKS need to learn a lesson about getting the last laugh. Those students in Coppin State's College's criminal justice program who sneered at Joycelyn Evans for doing a thesis had better think about that. Here's a brief recap of the Coppin controversy: In March, 14 students in Coppin's graduate criminal justice program filed a lawsuit alleging that the faculty had ill-prepared them for the comprehensive final exams and seminar papers required for graduation. Evans chose to do a longer 40- to 50-page thesis instead of taking the final exams and preparing a shorter seminar paper. Some of the lawsuit's plaintiffs--11 of whom twice flunked the final--scoffed at Evans' attempt to write a thesis. To them, Evans is a sucker.
But to thousands of others in this neck of the woods, Evans is the gutsy woman of integrity who proved that earning a degree through hard work is better than wheedling a degree through a lawsuit. "I've had tremendous support," Evans said last week. Some Coppin alumni have told her they appreciate her stand....
(For the full article, go to:
SEND College News, Viewbooks, Comments, Scholarship, College Fair and Tour info via mail to:
Black Excel:
The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604For FREE info about Black Excel services, send a note with your name and address to the above address. An enclosed stamped envelope would be helpful.
Black Excel African American Student's College Guide
A Best Seller !The Black Excel College Guide is having national impact. Students using our Guide have been accepted to top HBCUs, Ivy League and the best public and private colleges and universities across the country. To beat the odds and help your aspiring college student, click on the image below. Cost: $13.95. Or buy or order the Guide at major bookstores: ISBN 0-471-29552-3.
To order from
Click on book image.Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder, & Kristin S. Black, MD
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Voicemail: (212) 591-1936
Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholar- ships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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