The Black Excel Newsletter
September, 2003
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1) Degrees Conferred on Black Men and Women at US Colleges: A Comparison: 2000-2001
(2) ALPHA HBCU Spring College Tour (from Kanas City)
(3) Percentages of Black Students in Colleges across the US
(4) The 9th Annual "Unity Through Knowledge" Black College Tour
(5) New Horizons Scholars Program: 50 Scholarships
(6) 16th Annual Fall Black College Tour from San Jose, CA
(7) Performing and Visual Arts College Fairs for September 2003 and 2004
(8) Over 40 NACAC Fall College Fairs for Sept. 2003 and 2004
Degrees Conferred on Black Men and Women
At US Colleges: A Comparison: 2000--2001Associate Degrees:
Black Men: 22,147
Black Women: 44,708Bachelors Degrees:
Black Men: 38,103
Black Women: 73,204Master's Degrees:
Black Men: 11,568
Black Women: 26,697Doctorate Degrees:
Black Men: 855
Black Women: 1,352Black Excel data gathered from comprehensive ethnic and gender stats provided by U.S. Dept. of Ed. and the Chronicle of Higher Education at (Section: Volume 50, Issue 1, Page A19).
ALPHA HBCU Spring College Tour
(From Kanas City)
March 14 - 21, 2004The Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is sponsoring it's Eighth Annual College Tour. The dates are as noted. Schools visited will include Rust College (MS) and Mississippi Valley State U., Alabama A&M., Oakwood College (AL), Stillman College, Morehouse (GA), Spelman College GA), Clark Atlanta Univ., Claflin U. (SC), Morris Coll., Winston-Salem State Univ., Barber-Scotia College (NC), and Lincoln U. in MO. Cost: $420.00 per student, for 54-passenger luxury coach bus, and more. If you need info Contact: Jim Buford, Tour Coordinator @ 816-795-7813 (Day or Night). Price Includes: Transportation and Lodging. Partial Payments are accepted.
Make Checks payable to:
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and mail to: Jim Buford @ 2809 Castle Drive South, Independence, MO 64057 ($25.00 will reserve your seat). Final payment due: February 13, 2004. No refunds after February 13, 2004.
Percentages of Black Students in College
Across the U.S.Including other ethnic totals and enrollment numbers for 2002.
Black---12.3%...... (1,730,318)
White---75.1% ......(10,462,099)
Asian--- 3.6%.........(978,224)
American Indian......0.9%
Pacific Islander.......0.1%
Other race..............5.5%
Mulptiple race///......2.4%
Hispanic (may be any race)....2.5% (1,461,806)
Foreign Students.....528,692
Student Total.......... 15,312,289Stats/numbers from the Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac Edition (2003-2004) Volume 50, Issue 1, Page A2
9th Annual "Unity Through Knowledge"
Black College Tour
(From Las Vegas, Nevada)
April 4-9, 2004The 32nd Street Theater's 9th Annual Black College Tour will visit HBCUs Clark-Atlanta, Morehouse, Spelman, Morris Brown, Alabama State, Tuskegee and Florida A&M University. In addition, the tour will also visit Georgia Tech U. in Atlanta, Georgia. Note dates above. The cost for the 5 day/4 night tour is $700. The fee includes round trip airfare, deluxe coach travel, hotel stays, guided campus tours, and college prep seminars. Also there will be also historical and cultural visits to places like the MLK Center for Nonviolence, Civil Rights Memorial, Ebenezer & Dexter Baptist Church, Tuskegee Institute/Carver Museum, and much more. You'll need a $100, non-refundable deposit to reserve a seat by Nov. 1, 2003.
Please contact Rev. Kelcey West, Founder and Tour Director at (702) 399-6443 or visit for more info. It's a 501c3 nonprofit org.
New Horizons Scholars Program
50 ScholarshipsSpecial to Black Excel.
The New Horizons Scholars Program will provide up to 50 scholarships to students planning to enroll for the first time in a four-year college during the fall of 2004. Scholarships will be awarded to students of Hispanic or African-American heritage who are infected with or are dependents of someone infected with hepatitis C. Students will be eligible for $2,500 per year for four years, and must maintain the
program's academic standard of 2.5 G.P.A. Scholarship winners will be notified in the late spring of 2004. Appls. are at or or by calling toll-free 1-866-346-7496. Applications must be postmarked no later than February 20, 2004
16th Annual Fall Black College Tour
From San Jose, CA
(Nov. 19-23, 2003)This tour is sponsored by Della Tours and will be for 5 days and 4 nights. The cost: $910.00. The HBCUs scheduled include Clark-Atlanta, Oakwood College, Morehouse College, Spelman College, and Alabama A&M University. The Trip cost covers round trip airfare between San Jose and Atlanta. There'll be four nights hotel accommodations in Georgia and Alabama. Included are tickets to a football game (Alabama A&M University vs. University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff). Flight departs San Jose International Airport. A valid picture ID and Proof of medical insurance is REQUIRED. Hotel accommodations will be four students per room. A $250.00 deposit required, with no refunds after Sept. 15, 2003.
Make checks or money orders payable to: DELLA TOURS. Mail to: Della Tours/10123 Bon Vista CT/San Jose, CA 95127. For extra info, contact Carl Ray at 408-259-6516 or 408-259-9470, Email
Performing and Visual Arts College Fairs
For September 2003 and 2004These fairs are sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). They are for students with artistic, singing, or acting talent. These fairs are highly recommended by Black Excel. For dates and extra info go to
Over 40 NACAC Fall College Fairs
For Sept. 2003 and 2004These fairs are usually gigantic with hundreds of colleges and their representatives in attendance. They are also sponsored by the NACAC (see above) For listings, go to
Black Excel has the TOP SCHOLARSHIP gateway for minority students on the Internet. Go to:
To order from
Click on book image.
Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Voicemail: (212) 591-1936
Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholar- ships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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