The Black Excel Newsletter
February, 2004
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
1. Law School Admissions Council High School &
College Fair (NYC)
2. SMART HBCU College Tour (from Phila, PA)
3. 100+ Summer Research Gateways for
Undergraduates: 2004
4. Profiles & Essays of Successful African-American
Law School Applicants
5. Gateway to 100+ HBCU Libraries
6. Nursing Scholarships List (26 Gateways)
Created by Black Excel
7. Black College Tours: 2004 (25+ Listings)
Created by Black Excel
8. Help Your Aspiring Student!
Law School Admissions Council
High School & College Fair
Date: Feb. 28th, 2004
Location: New York Law SchoolThis college fair will take place at the New York Law School located at 57 Worth Street, Manhattan, New York. The fair is part of the Northeast Black Law Students Association Regional Convention and serves to emphasize its commitment to diversity and excellence. The goal is to educate young students of color about the reality of college and law school. High school students will learn about the admissions & aid process, the SAT & ACT exams, as well have the opportunity to speak with college students. Current college students will learn about law school admissions & financial aid, the LSAT, and have the opportunity to speak with current law students and attorneys. The event will include a free lunch for all attendees and does require an RSVP to ASAP. You may RSVP for your program as a whole, but a list of names is required. Space is limited, please respond early. Office administrators and staff can contact Chantrice V. Payne directly at (716) 645-8982.
SMART HBCU College Tour
Date: 6/20-6/25, 2004
Location: Phila, PAThe SMART Ministry of Second Macedonia Baptist Church will visit the following HBCUs: Dillard, Xavier, Southern A&M, and Grambling Univeristy in LA. Also, Jackson State in MS will be visited. They will be flying from Phila International Airport on 6/20 and returning on 6/25. The cost of the tour is $550.00 per person and includes air fare, ground transportation (passenger vans driven by chaperones) hotel, and two meals a day. $75.00 non-refundable deposits are due by 2/22/04. Balances are due in full by May 16, 2004. Please contact Jean Johnson at or Sandra Jones at should you have any questions or need further information. Church: Second Macedonia Baptist /1301 W. Ruscomb Street/Phila., PA 19141.
100+ Summer Research Gateways
For Undergraduates: 2004This link will be added to the Black Excel website ASAP. We have reported on many of these opportunities in the past, but this is a very comprehensive list of research possibilities for the summer that we feel will be of immediate help to our students who are interested in the sciences, math, medicine, health, and similar study areas.
Profiles & Essays of Successful
African-American Law School ApplicantsThis is another outstanding book by Evangeline M. Mitchell, J.D, author of the highly praised African American Pre-law School Advice Guide. In this guide, you get 75 actual profiles from a diversity of African Americans who were admitted to over 100 different law schools across the US. It's a "how to" overview of who they are, and what they did to get in. Included are 60+ engaging personal statements and essays, as well as checklists, tips, and other advice/resources. This guide will help any student who is considering law school and needs a real, insider tutorial to getting a law school accept. Cost: $19.96, plus $4 for S&H. Go to or email the author at Mailing address: Hope's Promise Publishing/P.O. Box 631234/Houston, Texas 77263-1234.
Gateway to 100+ HBCU Libraries
This cooperative link is a gateway to over 100 HBCU Libraries, leading to invaluable resources and information. Thanks to the HBCU Library Alliance for this effort.
Nursing Scholarships List (26 Gateways)
Created by Black ExcelThis is a repost of our much requested link at our website (see below). We researched and created this list. The gateway is followed by a sampling of college nursing programs, a nursing/career overview link, and a very interesting note on HBCUs and nursing (a must read). These scholarships are not race-specific. Key link:
Black College Tours: 2004 (25+ Listings)
Created by Black ExcelHigh school advisors, students, and parents around the country have requested our Black College Tour Lists (see below).
Black College Tours : 2004 (Fourteen Listings) College Tours: 2004 (Part II)
Help Your Aspiring Student....
Don't ask, "Can my child get into Harvard, Spelman, U. of Michigan, Howard, or Yale?" The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide puts that answer at you fingertips.
Our 100 Minority Scholarship Gateway List is at
Black Excel has the TOP SCHOLARSHIP gateway for minority students on the Internet. Go to:
To order from
Click on book image.
Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Voicemail: (212) 591-1936
Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholar- ships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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