The Black Excel Newsletter
May, 2003
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1) Minority Enrollment at Specific Law Schools in 2003
(A Sampling by Percentage)
(2) Nursing Scholarships from Black Excel (26 Gateways)
(3) On-Line MBA Programs
(Regionally and Professionally Accredited)
(4) War Duty Takes Students Out of the Classroom:
(But What Do the Ethnic Numbers Say?)
(5) Black Excel African American Student's College Guide:
A Best Seller !
Minority Enrollment at Law Schools in 2003
(A Sampling by Percentage)African-American Law Students
- Howard University (DC)*---88%
- Thomas M. Cooley Law School (MI)---23%
- George Washington University University (DC)---12%
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill--10%
- Vanderbilt University (TN)---13%
- University of Baltimore (MD)---14%
- Wayne State University (MI)---10%
- Washington and Lee University (VA)---13%
- University of Georgia (GA)---11%
- University of Matyland (MD)---11%
- CUNY-Queens College (NY)---15%
- Rutgers State University-Newark (NJ)---15%
- Touro College (Jacob D. Fuchsberg) (NY) --11%
- Tulane University (LA)---10%
- Florida Coastal School of Law (FL)--11%
- Duke University (NC) ---9%
- Catholic University of America (DC)--9%
Asian-American Students Law Students
- University of Hawaii---62%
- Yale University (CT)---13%
- Harvard University (MA)---11%
- University of Southern California---20%
- University of California at Berkeley---22%
- Columbia University (NY)---14%
- University of Chicago (IL)---14%
- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor---10%
- Brooklyn Law School (NY)---11%
- Seattle University (WA)---11%
- University of Washington (WA)---16%
- Boston University (MA)---12%
Hispanic-American Law Students
- Stanford University (CA)---14%
- St. Thomas University (FL)---35%
- University of New Mexico---23%
- St. Mary's University (TX)---31%
- Arizona State University---14%
- University of Miami (FL)---16%
- University of Florida (Levin)---11%
- Barry University (FL)---13%
- University of Texas at Austin---10%
- University of Notre Dame (IN) ---7%
- Florida State University---10%
The Black Excel lists above were created from data presented in a "Law School Diversity Index" school-ranking presented by US News & World Report (America's Best Graduate Schools 2004 Edition). Go to the book or the web link for an all-inclusive "diversity list" of law schools and relevant ranking explanations. --IJB
Nursing Scholarships from Black Excel (25 Gateways)
A new, very helpful nursing scholarship has been put together by Black Excel (go to link below). The gateway is followed by a sampling of college nursing programs, a nursing-career overview link, and a very interesting note on HBCUs and nursing (a must read). These scholarships are not race-specific. To reviews scholarshipsand links, go to:
Online MBA Programs
(Regionally and Professionally Accredited)Here's a very useful link to online MBA programs from US News and World Report. Go
War Duty Takes Students Out of the Classroom:
(But What Do the Ethnic Numbers Say?)(The subtitle is our add-on.)
There was a recent short article in the Chronicle of Higher Education called "Prime Numbers." This is from the text: "College students who double as military reservists answered Uncle Sam's call this spring, as
the United States geared up for war with Iraq. Here's how many students at a sample of institutions had to suspend their studies to serve the country." The following stats were presented.W-Women
TE-Total enrollment
- Georgetown U. ---(W) 0, (M) 2, (TE) 12,688
- Grambling State U. --(W) 8, (M)14, (TE) 4,500
- Marshall U. -- (W) 9, (M) 121, (TE) 16,038
- Mt. San Antonio Coll.--(W)1, (M) 26, (TE) 44,700
- Princeton U.-- (W) 0, (M) 0, (TE) 6,668
- Temple U. --(W) 3, (M) 8, (TE) 29,872
- U. of Arizona ---(W) 12, (M) 28, (TE) 35,747
- U. of Florida --(*approx. 50 students), (TE) 45,114
- U. of Kentucky ---(W)11, (M) 29, (TE) 23,901
- U. of Miami---(W) 0, (M) 3, (TE) 14,436
- U. of Michigan at Ann Arbor--(W) 0, (M) 6, (TE) 38,248
- U. of Missouri at Columbia--(W) 4, (M)23, (TE) 23,667
- U. of Southern California--(W) 3, (M) 2, TE) 29,813
- U. of Tennessee System--(*approx. 7), (TE) 42,701
- U. of Texas at Austin--(W) 2, (M)13, (TE) 50,616
- U. of Washington at Seattle--(W) 3, (M) 31, (TE) 37,412
- West Virginia U. /Morgantown --(W)12, (M) 59, (TE) 22,774
Gender breakdown unavailable. Section: Short Subjects/
Volume 49, Issue 33, Page A10(Black Excel footnote: Grambling, the only HBCU that is listed, has stats that are telling (size, number of females), and it's the college with the smallest total enrollment listed. What is the enthic breakdown of all the students who "answered Uncle Sam's call?" Is there an Affirmative Action debate as we step up to the front line?)
Black Excel African American Student's College Guide
A Best Seller !The Black Excel College Guide is having national impact. Students using our Guide have been accepted to top HBCUs, Ivy League and the best public and private colleges and universities across the country. To beat the odds and help your aspiring college student, click on the image below. Cost: $13.95. Or buy or order the Guide at major bookstores: ISBN 0-471-29552-3.
To order from
Click on book image.Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder, & Kristin S. Black, MD
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Voicemail: (212) 591-1936
Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholar- ships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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