The Black Excel Newsletter
November, 2003
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
1. SAT/ACT Scores of Black Students Compared with Other Groups: 2003
2. Toyota Community Scholars Program (Scholarships)
3. Enrollment of Black Student Totals (Fall 2000)
4) Shocking Black Female-Male Enrollment Percentages at HBCUs: 2003 Update
5. Blue Genez Scholarships for African-American Males
6) Caring for Young Minds, Inc. (2004 Black College Tour)
Baltimore Maryland, April 5-9
(7) Talbots Women's Scholarship Fund (For Older
Women Students)
SAT/ACT Scores of Black Students Compared
With Other Groups: 2003SAT Scores:
Black (430 Verbal, 427 Math)
Asian (501 Verbal, 569 Math)
White (527 Verbal, 533 Math)
Puerto Rican (455 Verbal, 451 Math)ACT Scores:
Black (16.9)
Asian (21.8)
White (21.7)
Puerto Rican (19.0)(Source: College Board)
Toyota Community Scholars Program
Application Deadline: 12/6/03These $10,000 to $20,000 scholarships are for seniors with "super" academic excellence and community service.
High schools nationwide are asked to nominate one student for the Toyota Community Scholars program. The school's nominee should have a consistent record of academic excellence, be active in school programs, and be recognized as a leader by his/her peers and instructors. In addition, the nominee must have initiated or be actively involved in a service program that addresses a school or community need. If you think you fit this profile you should contact your school
counselor for followup or the Scholarship and Recognition Programs Educational Testing Service, Rosedale Road, MS 86D, Princeton, NJ 08541. For more info, go to
Enrollment of Black Student Totals
(Fall 2000)(Latest figures available.)
Total Number of Black Students in College: 1,730,300
Number of Black Women: 1,095,000
Number of Black Men 636,300
(Source: US Dept. of Education)
Shocking Black Female/Male Enrollment
Percentages at HBCUs: 2003 Update(A sampling of HBCUs. The statistics are from the period 2001-2002.)
- Howard University (DC)---Females (65%), Males (35%)
- Clark Atlanta University (GA) ---Females (71%), Males (29%)
- Hampton University (VA) --- Females (62%), Males (38%)
- Florida A&M U. (FL) ---Females (56%), Males (44%)
- North Carolina A&T U. (NC) --Females (52%), Males (48%)
- Fisk University (TN)---Females (70%), Males (30%)
- Tuskegee University (AL)--Females (58%), Males (48%)
- Morgan State U. (MD)--Females (59%), Males (41%)
- LeMoyne-Owen Coll. (TN)---Females (70%), Males (30%)
- Tennessee State U. (TN)---Females (62%), Males (38%)
- Xavier University (LA) ---Females (73%), Males (27%)
- Dillard University (LA)--Females (77%), Males (23%)
- Southern U.(New Orleans-LA)--Females (68%), Males (28%)
- Southern U. & A&M Coll (LA)--Females (59%), Males (41%)
- Grambling State U. (LA)--Females (57%), Males (43%)
- Virginia State U. (VA)--Females (56%), Males (44%)
- South Carolina State (SC)--Females (58%), Males (42%)
- Voorees College (SC)--Females (67%), Male (33%)
- Lincoln University (PA)--Females (60%), Male (40%)
- Cheyney U. of PENN (PA)--Females (55%), Males (45%)
- Shaw University (NC)--Females (67%), Males (33%)
- Johnson C. Smith U. (NC)--Females (58%), Males (42%)
- St. Augustine's Coll. (NC)--Females (59%), Males (49%)
- Winston-Salem State U. (NC)--Females (68%), Males (32%)
- Alabama State U. (AL)--Females (58%), Male (42%)
- Oakwood College (AL)--Females (57%), Male (43%)
- Miles College (AL)--Females (58%), Male (42%)
- Stillman College (AL)--Females (54%), Male (46%)
- Talladega College (AL)--Females (64%), Male (36%)
- Philander Smith Coll. (AR)--Females (64%), Males (34%)
- U. Arkansas-Pine Bluff (AR)--Females (56%), Males (44%)
- Albany State U. (GA)--Females (67%), Males (33%)
- Benedict College (SC)--Females (50%), Males (50%)
- Claflin University (SC)--Females (65%), Males (35%)
- Morris College (SC)--Females (64%), Males (36%)
- Paine College (GA)--Females (71%), Males (29%)
- Central State U. (OH)--Females (54%), Males (46%)
- Bethune-Cookman C. (FL)--Females (58%), Males (42%)
- Edward Waters C. (FL)---Females (49%), Males (51%)
- Morris Brown C. (GA)---Females (57%), Males (43%)
- Coppin State Coll. (MD)--Females (75%), Males (25%)
- St. Paul's College (VA)--Females (63%), Males (37%)
- Lane College (TN)---Females (52%), Males (48%)
- Alabama A&M U. (AL)--Females (53%), Male (47%)
- Fort Valley State U. (GA) ---Females (56%), Male (44%)
- Texas Southern U. (TX)--Females (55%), Male (45%)
- Jarvis Christian Coll. (TX)--Females (58%), Males (42%)
- Prairie View A&M U. (TX)--Females (56%), Males (44%)
- Elizabeth City State U. (NC)--Females (62%), Males (38%)
- Fayetteville State U. (NC)--Females (63%), Males (37%)
- Delaware State U. (DE)--Females (57%), Male (43%)
- N. Carolina Central U. (NC)--Females (64%), Male (36%)
- Norfolk State U. (VA)--Females (63%), Males (37%)
- Morehouse College (GA)--ALL MALE
- Spelman College (GA)--ALL FEMALE
- Bennett College (NC)--ALL FEMALE
At a City University of New York college (Medgar Evers) where the Black enrollment is 87%, the precentages are: Females (78%),
Males (22%).At the University of the District Of Columbia, where the Black enrollment is 76%, the percentages are: Females (62%), Males (38%).
Blue Genez Scholarships
For African-American Males(Special to Black Excel)
Established in March 2003, Bleu Genez Foundation awards scholarships to academically talented, motivated, financially challenged African- American males enrolled full-time at four-year colleges. Recipients will receive scholarship awards in the amount of $500-2500. Students may use the scholarship to cover the cost of tuition and books. Applicants may apply for the award on an annual basis.
Visit the website at : for details on the award.
Contact: Bleu Genez Foundation/PO BOX 980691/Ypsilanti, MI
Caring for Young Minds, Inc.
(2004 Black College Tour)
Balitmore, Maryland, April 5-9This sixth annual tour of HBCUs is designed to "change lives, lift
hearts, restore love and interest in higher education." HBCUs to be visited include nine schools: North Carolina Central; Hampton; Howard; Bowie State; Delaware; University of Maryland at Eastern Shore; Cheyney State; Lincoln U.; and Norfolk State.The tour is April 5-9, 2004.
For more info write to: Lawrence Williams, 3301 Penfold Drive, Baltimore, MD 21207.
Talbots Women's Scholarship Fund
(For Older Women Students)(Thanks to for the alert.)
These scholarships are sponsored by the Talbots Charitable Foundation. Actress Jasmine Guy was a judge last year. Five $10,000 scholarships and fifty $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually to women seeking a bachelor's or associate's degree later in life. Since 1997, the fund has awarded 330 scholarships to 330 women ranging in ages from the late twenties to the early sixties. To be eligible, applicants must have earned a high school diploma or GED (at least ten years ago) and be presently seeking a 2 or 4 year degree. Deadline: January 15, 2004 or until one thousand eligible applications have been received.
Applications and more details are available at Talbots at:
Our 100 Minority Scholarship Gateway List
is at Excel has the TOP SCHOLARSHIP gateway for minority students on the Internet. Go to:
To order from
Click on book image.
Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Voicemail: (212) 591-1936
Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholar- ships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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