The Black Excel Newsletter
August, 2003
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1) National Historic Black College Fair and Expo (Sunday, August 17, 2003)
(2) Black American Students Accepted to and Attending Medical Schools in 2001
(3) Gateway to 100+ HBCU Libraries
(4) Where Are Our Black Dental Students?
(5) Law School Forums for Aspiring Law Students: 2003
(6) How to Actually Win a Scholarship? (Note from Black Excel Founder)
National Historic Black College Fair and Expo
(Sunday, August 17, 2003)This is the annual Harlem Week College Fair held in Harlem, USA. The affair will start at 11:00 am and ends at 7:00 pm. Usually epresen- tations from dozens of HBCUs and other colleges are at outside tables. Location: Between Malcolm X Blvd. and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Blvd. (135th Street).
Black American Students Accepted to and Attending
Medical Schools in 2001Due to many requests, we are repeating this recent post. It's a partial listing, including HBCUs (*).
- *Howard---82 Students
- *MeHarry---58 Students
- U. of Illinois---32 Students
- Wayne State---31 Students
- *Morehouse---30 Students
- Harvard---26 Students
- SUNY (Downstate)---23 Students
- Cornell--22 Students
- U. of North Carolina---21 Students
- Temple---21 Students
- UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson---20 Students
- U. of Tennessee---19 Students
- Case Western Reserve---18 Students
- Duke---18 Students
- U. of Michigan---17 Students
- UCP Hahnemann---16 Students
- U. of Alabama---16 Students
- U. of Pittsburgh---16 Students
- U. of Indiana---16 Students
- Louisiana State at New Orleans---16 Students
- U. of Los Angeles (UCLA & *Drew)---15 Students
- UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical---15 Students
Black Excel note: There are 125 accredited medical schools in the US. The stats above were gathered from data presented in the Medical School Admission Requirements guide published by the Assoc. of American Medical Colleges (2003-2004 edition).
Gateway to 100+ HBCU Libraries
This cooperative link is a gateway to over 100 HBCU Libraries, leading to invaluable resources and information. Thanks to the HBCU Library Alliance for this effort.
Where Are Our Black Dental Students?
- Meharry Medical College*--162 Black Students (of 217)
- Howard University*---142 (of 304)
- U. of Tennessee---28 (of 312)
- U. of Maryland--32 (of 367)
- U. of Michigan--32 (of 412)
- U. of Medicine of New Jersey--21 (of 308)
- U. of Pennsylvania--24 (of 442)
- Virginia Commonwealth Univ.--18 (of 324)
- Tufts University--22 (of 607)
- New York University--31 (of 1,286)
(*HBCU)This is a 2001 sampling of Black Student enrollment stats at US Dental schools. This short list was created from a comprehensive article and chart that appeared in the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. For a telling overview of out Dental school enrollment percentages go to:
Law School Forums for Aspiring
Law Students: 2003Black Excel has attended some of these forums. Representatives from over 100 law schools usually attend. Bring a snapback for catalogs and resource materials that will be available. --Editor
These FREE 2003 Law School Forums are sponsored by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) and participating law schools. Every year, thousands of prospective law students (including many minority students) take advantage of this opportunity to talk to law representatives, and ask questions. For more info go to Some dates below.
NEW YORK: September 6-7:
Saturday, 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday, Noon - 5 PM
New York Marriott Marquis
1535 BroadwayATLANTA, GA: September 19-20:
Friday, Noon - 6 PM
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
Hyatt Regency Atlanta
265 Peachtree Street NECHICAGO: October 10-11:
Friday, Noon - 6PM
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
Chicago Marriot Downtown
540 North Michigan AveBOSTON: October 25:
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
Marriott Copley Place
110 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA
617-236-5800HOUSTON, TX: November 8:
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
JW Marriott
5150 WestheimerBAY AREA: November 10:
Monday, Noon - 6 PM
Hotel Nikko San Francisco
222 Mason Street
San Francisco, CA
415-394-1111LOS ANGELES: November 15-16:
Friday, Noon - 5 PM
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
Los Angeles Airport Marriott
5855 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA
How to Actually Win a Scholarship?
(Note from Black Excel Founder)In the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide (John Wiley & Sons), I tell you what to do, step by step. This is the "real deal" overview you would get if you were sitting with a BE rep one-on-one. Hundreds of scholarships are also listed. Scholarship-related content?
- Get The Money Guide (p. 87 to p. 143 )
- Getting Started: Ten Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Scholarship Search (p. 101-103)
- Your Scholarship Get-the-Money Tutorial (p. 104-106)
- Scholarship FAQs (p. 109-110)
- Scholarship Sources (p. 113-143)
The guide is the KEY to the rules of engagement you must know to sucessfully tap into the thousands of money gateways we present at the Black Excel website. The Black Expressions Book Club has featured our guide with one of it's "Back to School" nationwide mailer
inserts this month.
Black Excel has the TOP SCHOLARSHIP gateway for minority students on the Internet. Thousands of scholarships are presented. Go to:
Our 100 Minority Scholarship Gateway List is at
Black Excel has the TOP SCHOLARSHIP gateway for minority students on the Internet. Go to:
To order from
Click on book image.
Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Voicemail: (212) 591-1936
Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholar- ships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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