The Black Excel Newsletter
October, 2001
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
1) The Top Graduation Rates of HBCUs
2) Target All-Around Scholarships
3) 8th Annual 'My Turn' Essay Competition
4) The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
5) Annual Status Report on Minorities in Higher
Education (2000-2001)
6) New Visions College Fair (New York)
7) NACAC College Fairs for Oct. 2001
(Including City of Chicago National College Fair)
The Top Graduation Rates of HBCUs
Graduation Rates for Year 2000
(Based on six-year prior enrollment period)
1. Spelman College (GA) -- 80%
2. Claflin University (SC) --75%
3. Tougaloo College (MS) --72%
4. Lane College (TN) -- 67%
5. Morehouse College (GA) -- 61%
6. Fisk University --57%
7. Xavier University (LA) -- 55%
8. Hampton University (VA) -- 51%
9. Howard University (DC) -- 51%
10. Tuskegee University (AL) -- 49%
11. Elizabeth City State University -- 48%
12. Lincoln University (PA) -- 47%
13. North Carolina Central University -- 46%
14. Florida A& M University -- 45%
15. North Carolina A&T State University -- 44%
16. St. Augustine's College -- 44%
17.Winston-Salem State University (NC) -- 42%
18. Alcorn State University (MS) -- 42%
19. Fayetteville State University (NC) -- 39%
20. Johnson C. Smith University (NC) -- 39%
21. Bethune-Cookman College (FL) -- 36%
22. University of Maryland at Eastern Shore -- 34%
23. Dillard University (LA) -- 34%
24. Virginia State University -- 31%
25. Grambling State University (LA) -- 31%
26. Prairie View A&M University (TX) -- 30%(Data Source: US News & World Report (2001 "Best College" Edition)
Target All-Around Scholarships
Target's All-Around Scholarships for Students will provide funds to high school seniors and college students who are committed to community service and education. Target will award four $10,000 scholarships and more than twenty-one hundred $1,000 scholarships. Eligible students must be 24 or under and be enrolled in college (2 or 4-yr) no later than the fall, 2002 - 2003 year. An application and essay are necessary. Preference will be given to students who reside in a community where a Target store is located. Complete guidelines and application forms are available at:
community_scholarships.jhtml. Deadline: November 1, 2001. The contact number is (800) 537-4180. Ask for the Target All-Around Scholarship program manager.
8th Annual 'My Turn' Essay Competition
Kaplan, Inc. and Newsweek announce the eighth annual "My Turn" Essay Competition. High school students get the opportunity to showcase their writing ability and compete for academic scholarships. The competition gives students a forum for expressing their point of view and, perhaps, a chance to meet the rising costs of college. Ten finalists will be selected, with the first- place winner receiving $5,000, the second-place winner receiving $2,000, and eight additional winners receiving $1,000. Ten honorable mentions will also be selected. In addition to awarding the scholarships, a winning essay may be published in Newsweek magazine. Entry forms and official rules are available online at or by calling 1-800-KAP-TEST. The deadline for entry is March 1, 2002. Winners will be announced in April.
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship competition is sponsored by the US Department of State. It is open for the winter/spring term for travel between Jan. 1 and April 30, 2002. The scholarships go to students with financial need who are underrepresented in study abroad. The award is for $5,000. In the last cycle, 2,232 students applied for 139 awards. Info and materials are available online at
You can contact the Institute of International Education (IIE)
at (713) 621-6300 ext 25, or toll free at (888) 887-5939 ext. 25, or by email at
Annual Status Report on Minorities in Higher
Education (2000-2001)This annual report, released in Sept. 2001 by the American Council on Education (ACE), is must reading for educators and others. You'll find an analysis of data from a number of sources relating to our college enrollment at all levels. For example, "...students of color attended lower-priced public colleges and universities in 1998 (80 percent compared with 76.2 percent of white students)." Also, the enrollment of our students "...rose by 5.8 percent at independent colleges and universities, and by 2.6 percent at public institutions in 1998." Important topic areas include College Enrollment and Degrees Conferred. To read the report go to:
New Visions College Fair (New York)
The Citigroup College Bound presents the fourth annual College Fair, Wed. Oct 3. from 3 to 6 pm. The Fair will be held at the Roone Arledge Auditorium of Alfred Lerner Hall, Columbia University. The building is located at 2920 Broadway (Between 114th and 116th Street in Manhattan). For more info, contact Maud Abeel at 212-645-5110. ext. 3011 or email:
NACAC College Fairs for October 2001
(National Association for College
Admission Counseling)(See CITY of CHICAGO National College Fair details below. Then check extended listings that follow. You can go to for locations, dates, times, and related info.)
The CITY of CHICAGO National College Fair
Over 350 representatives from colleges and universities nationwide will participate. There will be workshops and a counseling center for students and parents. The fair will be held on Friday, Oct. 26, 2001, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Sat., Oct. 27, 2001, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Location: Navy Pier/ Festival Hall B/600 East Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. For further info call the Office of High
School Development at 773-553-3540.Greater WASHINGTON, DC Natl. College Fair 2001
Tuesday, October 30, 2001FT. LAUDERDALE Natl. College Fair 2001 (FLORIDA)
Thursday, October 18, 2001BOISE Natl. College Fair 2001 (IDAHO)
Tuesday, October 30, 2001CINCINNATI Natl. College Fair 2001 (OHIO)
Sunday, October 7, 2001
(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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