Restored! Fighting to Survive!Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Face the 21st Century(This 1997 series of 13 articles on HBCUs by reporter Ernie Suggs,has been recently made available again by the Herald-Sun newspaper.
The material is still relevant, and useful, reading.)
Black Greeks
(A gateway.)John H. Clarke Africana Library at Cornell University
The World of Black Studies Programs
(College and University Programs)Black Student Union Links
(Across the US)Historically Black Colleges
(Special Programs & Majors, Greeks and more)
(a Gateway to college info, alumni, chat, & forums)Historically Black Colleges of Pharmacy
Yes, we have four! Howard, Florida A&M, Texas Southern and Xavier.
Take a look!New! Black Studies Academic Programs
graduateNew! Relevant Links to Africana Studies
(A strong gateway from the University of Pittsburg.)New! Student National Medical Association (SNCA)
(For medical and premedical students of color.)New! Floyd Ingram's Den
(A tremendous educational gateway
with a hundred-plus resources.)New! Historically Black Colleges And Universities
(Still another gateway.)Shana Bridgeman's College Page
Our Student "Best" Feature.Black Colleges: Closing the Gaps
Opinions, Essays on Quality of Black Colleges. A Great Debate.The Quarterly Black Review of Books
A valuable site for readers: good reviews, columns, info galore!Black Collegian Online
College and career info from a major Black publication.Black Excel's Special Book Preview!
PROFILEThe Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences
This is a tremendous educational resource. Students of all ages as well as teachers should take note. Profiles of many of our key scientists, inventors, etc. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, Carver, Albert C. Antione (jet & rocket propulsion) and many more. You will be astonished by the roles played by African Americans in educational and scientific exploration.Black Excel thinks F. Leon Wilson's SPECTRALINKS (THE ARCHIVES) is a wonder. Click (here) to go to all kinds of vital and interesting
AA topics for review and insight.New! Inside Black College Sports
New! 260+ Black Organizations (including Greek Gateways)
College Grad Job Hunter
Excellent site for college grads and student job offers and resources. Career information and job database is huge and useful, though not race-specific.New!Black Studies Library Periodicals
(From Black Issues in Higher Education to Jet.
Everything you might need is here.)BLACK COLLEGE SPORTS
(Online Front Page)Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
(Business and industry support for our students.)New! ACT-SO
(This is your NYC gateway to a great national program.)New! African American Internet Gateway
(A wonderful and necessary resource.)New! Gateway to African American Journals
New! Excelling In Law School
(Students of Color)New! Black & White at Harvard
(Interesting dialogue)New! African American Studies (Graduate Level)
New! The National Alliance of Black School Educators
New! The Coalition of Black Independent Institutions
New! Black Academic and Professional Organizations
New! Hinson's Afrocentric Resource Guide
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