The Black Excel Newsletter
November, 2002
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
1) Black Enrollment at the Nation's Highest Ranked Medical Schools, 2002
2) Black Medical School Enrollment Overview (A comment from Black Excel)
3) Morris Brown College, an HBCU, is in Trouble!
4) Fifth Annual Cannon Street YMCA High and Middle School Black College Tour (2003) (South Carolina)
5) 6th Annual Historical Black College Tour 2003 (Brooklyn, New York)
6) NACAC College Fairs In November
7) How To Actually Win A Scholarship? (note from Black Excel founder)
Black Enrollment at the Nation's Highest Ranked
Medical Schools, 2002(In order of Black-enrollment percentage)
Emory University (57 Black Students, 12.6% of all students) U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (90 Black Students, 12.6%) Harvard University (98 Black Students, 12.0%) Case Western Reserve University (68 Black Students, 12.0%) Yale University (59 Black Students, 11.5%) Cornell University (48 Black Students, 11.5%) U. of Chicago (48 Black Students, 11.5%) Duke University (81 Black Students, 10.9%) Johns Hopkins University (49 Black Students, 10.3%) U. of Cal. at Los Angeles (62 Black Students, 10.2%) U. of Michigan (62 Black Students, 9.4%) U. of Pittsburgh (52 Black Students, 9.2%) Mayo Medical School (15 Black Students, 8.8%) Mt. Sinai Medical School (36 Black Students, 8.5%) U. of Pennsylvania (53 Black Students, 7.5%) Baylor University (46 Black Students, 6.8%) Columbia University (36 Black Students, 6.0%) U. of Cal. at San Francisco (36 Black Students, 6.0%) Stanford University (28 Black Students, 6.0%) Washington University (33 Black Students, 6.0%) New York University (38 Black Students, 5.5%) U. of Texas at Dallas (44 Black Students, 5.4%) Vanderbilt University (12 Black Students, 2.6%) Northwestern University (17 Black Students, 2.4%) U. of Washington (18 Black Students, 2.3%) U. of Cal. at San Diego (1 Black Student, 0.8%)
(Above info is from the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (October 29, 2002). For more info, go to
Black Medical School Enrollment Overview
(A comment from Black Excel)There are four historically black U.S. medical schools-- Morehouse (Georgia), Meharry (Tenn), Howard (DC), and Charles R. Drew University (California). Over 42% of all African- American students are enrolled in the first three schools lists. In 2002, Howard had 455 students and MeHarry had 384. Morehouse had 149 students. According to the Association of Medical Colleges, the above schools have graduated over 43%
of our doctors from 1950 to 1998 (the latest figures available).
Morris Brown College, an HBCU, Is in Trouble!
Based on information that has appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in October 2002, Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia (an HBCU) is in deep trouble. The school is allegedly facing the "worst financial crisis in its history" and is said to be $23 million in debt, according to its new president, Charles Taylor. A federal investigation is looking into whether administrators "illegally received millions in student aid money and used it to pay overdue bills." Also, reports note that Morris Brown is on probation with its accrediting agency because of "shoddy bookkeeping and staffing problems." The African Methodist Episcopal Church, which founded Morris Brown in 1885, still wields influence. The region's accrediting agency is presently at the school and will make a decision in December about whether to renew accreditation. If accreditation is lost, Morris Brown would not be eligible to receive federal financial aid for its students--a major blow, because more than 90 percent of the school's 2,500 students need that aid to help pay their tuition. For more info, go to:
thursday/metro_d37b48bde177d1390056.html(Grambling State footnote: In a previous newsletter we noted similar problems at HBCU Grambling State University. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has completed its on-site review of GSU. A decision regarding the University's reaffirmation of accreditation will also be rendered on December 10, 2002.)
Fifth Annual Cannon Street YMCA High and
Middle School Black College Tour
(April 12 to 18th, 2003)Starting Point: Charleston, South Carolina 29414
The Black College Tour (BCT) is for middle and high school students. It's a 7-9 day tour of HBCUs in the South and along the East Coast. The tour is offered each year during spring break, based on the Charleston County School District’s Calendar. Some schools visited include Howard, Lincoln, Virginia Union, Virginia State, and Delaware State. The primary goal of the tour is to motivate Charleston’s youth to set goals beyond high school. The tour is designed to achieve a balance of educational, recreational, and cultural activities. Call Anthony T. Bostic, Executive Director, at 577-9622 if you have questions or need help. Also, for more info, go to
6th Annual Historical Black College Tour 2003
Starting Point: Brooklyn, New YorkThis East New York Kidspower College Tour is Brooklyn-based and scheduled April 15-25, 2003. The fee is $450 for the bus trip and hotels. Kidspower is now meeting every Friday at P.S. 13 at 557 Pennsylvania Ave in Brooklyn, at 7: P.M. In the last five years Kidspower helped 150 go to college. For more info (and a list of colleges to be visited) call Kidspower at (718) 342-3407.
NACAC College Fairs in November
Upcoming National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) College Fairs:
For info, go to:
- Washington, DC (November 7th)
- Jacksonville, Florida (November 9th)
- Atlantic City, New Jersey (November 14th)
- Philadephia, PA (November 17th)
- Baltimore, MD (November 19th)
How to Actually Win a Scholarship
(Note from Black Excel's Founder)In the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide(John Wiley & Sons), I tell you what to do, step by step. This is the "real deal" overview you would get if you were sitting with me one-on-one. Hundreds of scholarships are also listed. Scholarship-related content?
*Get the Money Guide (p. 87 to p. 143 )
*Getting Started: Ten Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Scholarship Search (p. 101-103)
*Your Scholarship Get-The-Money Tutorial (p. 104-106)
*Scholarship FAQs (p. 109-110)
*Scholarship Sources (p. 113-143)
To order from
Click on book image.
Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder, & Kristin S. Black, MD
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholarships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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