Black Excel
Black College Tours: 2006
This 20+ tour list will be expanded as we receive new 2006 listings.
9th Annual Educational Student Tours (ETS)
Based in Los Angeles, California
Departure Dates: Tour A: April 9, 2006
Tour B: June 25, 2006
ETS is a tour group that's been featured on TV (ABC), and has been around for a long time. Tour A visits Bennett, Clark - Atlanta, Hampton, Howard, Johnson C. Smith, Morehouse, North Carolina A&T, Paine, and Spelman. Departs April 9, 2006. Tour B visits Clark-Atlanta, Morehouse, Spelman, Paine, Savannah State, Florida A&M, Southern University (Baton Rouge), Xavier, and Dillard. Departs June 25, 2006 The cost is $1,325 and includes airfare from LA and back, hotels, buses, meals, and more. There'll be chaperones and supervision. You must make calls for plans and other info. Phone: (818) 891-8087. FAX (818) 892-1384 Email: Foor more innfo go to Website: Address: Educational Student Tours/16850 Gresham Street/North Hills, California 91343
(10 Annual Spring College Tour/Beta Lambda Chapter)
Based in Kansas City, Missouri
March 12–19, 2006This tour is sponsored by the Beta Lambda Charter of ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. The Tour will include visits to Bennett, Central State and Wilberforce, North Carolina A & T, Saint Augustine’s. Johnson C. Smith, Livingstoon, Voorhees College, Shaw, and Lincoln in MO. Also there will be a stop at the National Underground Railroad. The cost is $420, which includes rooms, luxury buses, and a Montgomery Civil Rights Tour. For more info Contact: Mr. Jim Buford, Tour Coordinator at 816-795-7813 (day/night). E-mail to Make checks payable to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Send to: Jim Buford at 2809 Castle Drive South, Independence, MO 64057. $25.00 will reserve your seat. Final paymeent: Feb. 11. Extra info:
Los Angeles Black College Tour
From: Los Angeles, California
Dates from April 6-15For more info contact: Christ the Good Shepherd Epsicopal Church (323) 295-4139 (Patti Jo Ramsey) or (323) 290-9850.
There are only 45 spaces available, so sign up as soon as possible.
Dates: April 9th to april 14, 2006
Based in Las Vegas, Nevada32nd Street Theater's 11th Annual "Unity Through Knowledge" HBCU Tour to visit Howard, Bowie State, Coppin, Morgan State, Virginia Union, Virginia State, Norfolk State and Hampton.
The cost for the 6 day/5 night tour is $950 per student. The total cost includes round trip airfare, deluxe coach travel, hotel accommodations, guided campus tours, nightly college preparatory seminars and evening tours of historical attractions and landmarks including the White House, Washington Monument, Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, The Smithsonian, The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial and more! Interested students will be required to pay a $200, non-refundable deposit to reserve a seat. For more information, please contact Rev. Kelcey West, Founder and Tour Director at (702) 656-9133. for more information visit Address: 5728 Taj Mahal Drive/Las Vegas, NV 89130
Black College Tour
(Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter
of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority)
Contact for dates.SMLAC’s Black College Tour had 34 students to participate, including a group from Bermuda! This year we'll have a Southern Tour which will include: FAMU, Southern University, Xavier, Grambling, Jackson State, and Stillman College. The calendar also includes motivational workshops, social/cultural activities, entertainment, and many other exciting opportunities. To apply for this opportunity make contact us website:
Dates: March-October, 2005
Based in Raleigh, North CarolinaThis tour is sponsored by Capital City Tours and visits Johnson C. Smith. Bennett, Livingstone, Shaw, North Carolina A & T, Winston-Salem State, Barber-Scotia, North Carolina Central, and St. Augustine's. The cost is $250.00 to $300.00 per student. For info contact Tom Hancock at 919-369-6689 or email Website:
Based in New York City
Date: April 10 , 2006 thru April 21, 2006
(Two Sections)This tour is an annual event. There are two tour sections, A & B. Generally the tours visit schools like Howard, Hampton, Spelman, Norfolk State, North Carolina Central, Clark Atlanta, North Carolina A&T, Virginia State, Virginia Union, Morehouse, Bennett, Morgan State, Morris, Coppin State, and others. Usually thhe tours span over a two week period coinciding with the Easter school break. The cost is $645.00. For more info call (718)-670-3361. You should visit the website at: for details/application and media presentation. An orientation will be held at York College in Queens, New York between 10:00am -1:00pm.
National Black College Tour
Based in Lithonia, Georgia
Dates:April 1-6, 2006This tour will visit Howard, Morgan State, Coppin State, Prairie View A & M, Texas Southern, Norfolk State, Hampton, Southern University, North Carolina A & T, Johnson C. Smith, Winston-Salem State, North Carolina Central, Tuskegee,Jackson State, Mississippi Valley State, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta, and Spelman. The cost is $725 and includes transportation, lodging, meals, college-prep seminars, entertainment, tour paraphernalia
(t-shirt and bag). Address: The National Black College Tour/
P.O. Box 386/Lithonia, GA 30058. Phone: 770.696.9688.
Caring For Young Minds Black College Tour
(8th Annual)
Based in Balimore Maryland
Dates for 2006: InquireStudents will vist the following colleges: North Carolina Central, Winston-Salem State, Benedict, South Carolina State, Alabama State, Alabama A&M, Morehouse, Spelman, Clark Atlanta and Morris Brown. The cost of the trip is $550.00. The price covers: transportation, lodging, T-shirts, admission to theme park or historic sites, and meals. Contact: Lawrence Williams at 3301 Penfold Dr., Baltimore MD 21207. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 410-298-2369.
2006 Historically Black College Tour
(Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church)
Dates: April 9 to 12, 2006
Based in MarylandThe tour visits Clark-Atlanta, Spelman, Morehouse, Hampton,
North Carolina A&T, Bennett, and Virginia State. Cost is $375.
$415 after Feb. 13th. The trip provides kuxury coach, 3 hotel nights (double occupancy), breakfast and lunch. Contact number is 301-266-8326 or 301-248-8833,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Students On The Move Black College Tour
Based: Columbus, OH
Dates: (April 12 –16)For students interested in going on a Black CollegeTour, Students on the Move sponsors a great one during the Columbus Public School spring break. In the past, the tour included visits to Clark Atlanta, Hampton, Howard, Morehouse, Norfolk State, Spelman, and Virginia State. Last repored cost was in the $400-per-person range based four quad occupancy. For more information please call Afrika Alsup at (614) 751-9996.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++STEP HIGHER
April 1 - 7, 2006
Based in Covington, KentuckyThese are (three tours) as noted. Luxury charter buses are used
and costs ($375.00 per tour) including hotel stays.Tour "A" goes to Wilberforce, Central State, Tennessee State, Fisk, and
Kentucky State. Tour "B" goes to Alabama State, Tuskegee, Spelman, Morehouse, Clark-Atlanta, Alabama A&M and Florida A&M. Tour "C" goes to Hampton, Norfolk, Howard, North Carolina A&T, North Carolina Central, Bennett, Johnson c. Smith, Coppin State, and Morgan State/For more info call 859-392-0040 or Email: Website:
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Black College Tour: Urban Leadership Institute
Based: Baltimore, MD
Sections A and B
Dates: (A) April 10, 2006- April 13, 2006 (4 days)
(B) April 10, 2006- April 15, 2006 (6 days)These two tours are sponsored by the Urban Leadership Institute.
There will be orientations, family meetings, and more. Deluxe bus, quality hotels, guided campus tours, 3 meals daily, and other extras. Tour A will include visits to: Morgan State, Bowie State, Howard, Hampton, Norfolk State, Virginia State, and Virginia Union. Amusement Park: Busch Gardens. Tour B will include visits to: North Carolina, A&T, Bennett, Shaw, Morehouse, North Carolina Central, Spelman, Clark Atlanta, and St. Augustine's. Amusement Park: Six Flags in Atlanta. Cost: Tour A: $525 to Jan 1 ($575 after). Tour B: $725 to Jan 6 ($775 after)/Call Regina Salliey, Tour Coordinator, at 410.467.1605 or via email at for payment and discount options. Or call:Antoine Taylor (410) 467-1605Checks payable to Urban Leadership Institute, 2437 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21218 Website at
(Xi Kappa Lambda Education Foundation)
Based in Houston, Texas
Dates: March 10-18, 2006This tour will visit Wiley College, Grambling State, Morgan State, Bowie State, Virginia Union,Hampton, Johnson C. Smith, North Carolina A&T, Morehouse, Spelman, Clark-Atlanta, and Tuskegee. There will also be sightseeing in Washington, DC.. The cost is $650 (by Jan. 14). Regular registration is $775 by March 6. Luxury coach travel, hotel stays, and two meals per day,
including snacks. There will be at least 8 chaperones/counselors. Call For more info call: Charlie Woodson (713) 743-9619 or Roger McDonald (713) 988-8440 or Ed Hendon (713) 541-5198. Email: Xi Kappa Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc./PO Box 1522, Missouri City, TX 77459-8522
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2006 Historically Black Colleges Tour
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church
Based in Colorado
(More info necessary)In the past this tour visited Howard, Bowie State, Morgan State, Coppin State, Hampton, Norfolk State, Virginia State, U. of Virginia and Virginia Union. Please contact Kervin Mack for 2006 info: Kervin Mack c/o Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, One South Walnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80905. Office Phone: (719) 635-4865. Email:
YMCA Black Achievers
April 3 – 8, 2006 – College Tour (D.C., Virginia, MD)
Based in Central KentuckyFor more information contact Freddie Brown, YMCA Black Achievers Director at 258-9622 or send an email to
Higginbottom-Jones Col/Univ Tour
Based in Boston, MA
Dates: UnknownPlease forward more info.
This is an annual college tour to HBCUs. Total cost: usually around $600. Includes Coach Bus, Hotel Accommodations, T-Shirt, Six Flags and most meals. For info contact Diane Blackwell or Margaret Higginbottom @ 617-825-9852 or via e-mail:
New London, Conn.
Dates: April 19-24The bus tour will be visit Howard, Morgan State, Bowie State, Hampton, Norfolk State and the Great Blacks in Wax Museum. The cost is $295 and it is payable in a 3-part payment option. The trip includes chartered coach transportation and hotel accommodations. In addition we will be providing free financial aide workshops, local college fair, tour preparation workshop, and parent orientation. Contact: Ms. Patterson at 202-445-5470; or Mr. Fonville 202-848-1847;
Delta Sigma Theta 2006 Black College Tour
Dates are: April 2 - April 7, 2006We are looking for more info here.
The schools to be visited are : Clark Atlanta, Morehouse, Spelman, Morris Brown, Savannah State, South Carolina State, Claflin, Florida A & M, and Kentucky State. The cost is $375. Email contact:
Based in IllinoisVerified info necessary.
This Urban league chapter is hosting a Black college tour on March 26-to April 1, leaving from Illinois. The college tour includes visits to Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Alabama A & M University, Morris Brown College, Morehouse College, Alabama State and Tennessee State University. There will also be tours of the Rosa Parks Museum, Martin Luther King Center and the Civil Rights Freedom Wall.
Contact: Lake County Urban League at 847- 249- 3770.+++++++++++++++++++++++
3rd Annual Black College Tour
(Next Level Mentoring Program)
Dates: April 2 to April 8, 2006
Based in Lexington, KentuckyThis tour visits Florida A&M, Bethune-Cookman, Savannah State, Benedict, Fayetteville State, North Carolina Central, North Carolina A&T and Winston-Salem. The cost is $375.00. Contact Walter Ingram at (859) 384-7527. Email: .+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Annual Spring Black College Tour
Based in San Jose, CAMake contact for more info.
This 5-day tour usually departs from San Jose International Airport to Atlanta at a cost of about $930. Schools usually visited include Clark Atlanta, Spelman, Morehouse, Oakwood, Alabama A&M and the Civil Rights Institute. Campus tours and orientation. Round trip airfare to Atlanta with 4 nights in hotels in Georgia & Alabama with Charter Bus service. Contact: DELLA TOURS/10123 Bon Vista CT, San Jose, CA 95127. For more info call Carl Ray @ 408-259-9470. Email: Or go to
William E. Edwards Annual College Tour, Inc.
Based in Stamford, CT
Make contact for more info.In the past the stops were Tuskegee, Winston-Salem State, Clark Atlanta, Spelman, Morehouse, Benedict, South Carolina State, Claflin, Shaw, and St.Augustine's. Students also visited historical landmarks like the Martin Luther King Non-Violence Center. CONTACT ANGELA EDWARDS @ 203-326-0029 OR VIA E-MAIL
Address: PO Box 113343/Stamford, CT. 06911-3343.
April 8 - 13, 2006
Based in Balimore, MarylandSponsor: The Irene W. Paige Scholarship Ministry. The tuor
Costs $385. The tour will visit Alabama State, Clark Atlanta,
Morehouse, North Carolina A&T, North Carolina Central,
Shaw University, Spelman, Tuskegee, and Winston-Salem.
Call Miriam M. Stokes, MBA, PHR at 410-732-0389.
Black Excel Disclaimer:
Students and parents should do their research of all tours, in regard to reputation, chaperones, insurance, references, and other concerns. Black Excel is only reporting possible resource/contact gateways. -Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel
Our 200 Minority Scholarship Gateway List is at
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