The Black Excel Newsletter
April, 2002
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1) Whites at Historically Black Colleges
(2) Summer Research Programs at Fisk University
(3) Top 10 Law Schools for Hispanic Students
(4) Black Colleges and Online Education
(5) Historically Black Colleges and the Ph.D.
(An Overview)
(6) Best from Black Excel College Newsletters
(A Sampling)
(7) Why Buy the Black Excel College Guide?
Whites at Historically Black Colleges
(Percentages)Alabama State University (AL)-- 6% white
Albany State University (GA)--5% white
Alcorn State University (MS)--5% white
Arkansas Baptist College (AR)-- 1% white
Barber Soctia College (NC)--4% white
Bethune-Cookman (FL)--2% white
Bowie State University (MD)-- 8% white
Central State University (OH)--4% white
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania (PA) --0% white
Claflin University (SC)--1% white
Clark Atlanta University (GA) --0% white
Coppin State University (MD)--1% white
Delaware State University (DE)-- 18% white
Dillard University (LA)--1% white
Elizabeth City State University (NC)--20%
Florida A&M University (FL)--3% white
Fisk University (TN)--0% white
Fort Valley State University (GA)--3% white
Hampton University (VA)--3%
Howard University (DC)-- 0%
Jackson State University (MS)--1% white
Jarvis Christian College (TX)-- 4% white
Johnson C. Smith University (NC)--0%
Kentucky State University (KY)--34% white
Lane College (TN)--0% white
Lincoln University (PA)--1% white
Livingstone College (NC) --2% white
Miles College (AL)--0%
Mississippi Valley State University (MS)--3% white
Morehouse College (GA)--1% white
Morgan State University (MD) --2% white
Morris College (SC)--0% whites
Morris Brown College (GA)-- 1% white
North Carolina A&T State University (NC)--6% white
Norfolk State University (VA)-- 6% white
Paine College (GA)--1% white
Philander Smith College (AR)--1% white
Prairie View A&M University (TX)--4% white
Rust College (MS) --1% white
St. Augustine's College (NC)--1% white
Shaw University (NC)--13% white
South Carolina State University (SC)--2% white
Southern University and A&M College (LA)--2% white
Southern University at New Orleans (LA)--6% white
Spelman College (GA)--1% white
Stillman College (AL)--2% white
Tennessee State University (TN)--15% white
Tougaloo College (MS)--0% white
Tuskegee University (AL)--1% white
University of the District of Columbia (DC)-- 11%
University of Maryland at Eastern Shore (MD) --18% white
Virginia State University (VA)--2% white
Voorhees College (SC)-- 1% white
Wiley College (TX) --3% white
Winston-Salem State University--13% white
Xavier University of Louisiana (LA)-- 1% whiteHistorically Black Colleges that have turned predominately white:
Lincoln University (MO) -- 64% white
Bluefield College (WV) -- 84% white in 1999-2002.(Data from several sources, including US News & World Report 2002 College Edition)
(Undergraduate stats. Note that 0% doesn't necessarily mean that no white students are on campus. Totals like .09, 1.09, etc. are not recorded here.)
Summer Research Programs at Fisk University
For a number of summer research and other programs (with stipends and financial assistance) at historically black Fisk University, go to:
Application Deadline: April 29th, 2002
Program Start/End Dates: June 3, 2002 - July 31,2002.Office of Admissions
1000 17th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37208-3051
1-800-443-FISK (3475) or (615) 329-8666
Top 10 Law Schools for Hispanic Students
1. University of Texas at Austin School of Law
2. University of New Mexico School of Law
3. University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law
4. University of Southern California School of Law
5. St. Mary’s University School of Law (TX)
6. University of Miami School of Law
7. Southwestern University School of Law (CA)
8. University of Illinois College of Law
9. University of Colorado School of Law
10. Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center (FL)(This is the March 2002 ranking by Hispanic Business magazine. For actual addresses, graduation stats, and informative commentary, go to: news/newsbyid.asp?id=6400)
Black Colleges and Online Education
According to the Digital Learning Lab at Howard University, of 123 black institutions only 40 display any links to online courses. In a 2002 study, it was noted that 58% of black schools participate in some form of distance education, but 85% are not offering degrees online. A sampling of ONLINE EDUCATION AT BLACK COLLEGES:
(Created from a useful and telling 2002 article by Michael Arnone in the Chronicle of Higher Education. For the complete work go to:
- Clark Atlanta U (20 courses)
- South Carolina State U (58 courses)
- Hampton U (one bachelor's degree program, 17 courses)
- North Carolina Central U (one doctoral program, 23 courses)
- North Carolina A&T State U (one bachelor's degree program, one master's degree program, 50-60 courses, depending on semester)
- Norfolk State U (14 courses)
- Elizabeth City State U (15-23 courses, depending on the semester)
- West Virginia State College, (one-two courses, depending on the semester)
- Lawson State Community College (12 courses)
Historically Black Colleges and the Ph.D.
(An Overview)"Several historically black colleges and universities produce a greater percentage of graduates who go on to earn doctoral degrees than do many of the nation's highest-ranked colleges and universities. But when we look at Ph.D. productivity in the sciences, black colleges do not fare as well. Overall, among the black colleges Fisk University is the leader in Ph.D. productivity."
(Quote pulled from a research essay in the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. For the full informative article on HBCUs and
the Ph.D. go to:
Best From Black Excel College Newsletters
(A Sampling)"Xavier University Stays on Top (94 Graduates Go to Medical School)""The 'Black Colleges Closing' Controversy: A 2002 Update""The Top Graduation Rates of HBCUs""Minority Graduates of U.S. Medical Schools Trends, 1950-1998""Princeton's 'Money' Bonanza: Will it Help Black Students? Hurt HBCUs?"
Why Buy The Black Excel College Guide?
In the US News & World College Edition 2002, it was stated that a private college counselor costs "from $700 to $2,200." The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide, costs just $13.95 at (a bit more at major bookstores.) This beat-the-odds tutorial on "getting in" and more, has put students inside the doors of our major HBCUs, as well as top public, private, and Ivy League schools across the country. Our aspiring students and caring parents can get heartfelt guidance/help for less than the price of a pair of sneakers.
-Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(Author's Note: A hundred colleges, including every HBCU
listed above and others, are featured in the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide available at major bookstores and at for $13.95.)(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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