Black Excel
Get-into-Medical School Tips
TIP #1
Tip One is that you don't have to make your medical school run as a "pre-med" student when you enter college. Somebody should tell our students this. You can actually pick majors that excite you while still taking your journey to becoming an MD. For example, you can have your eyes on the MD prize while going forward as a literature major. For a good number of years statistical reports have indicated that medical schools are looking for well-rounded," students. In fact, the accept lists of all the medical schools indicate that a good percentage of students with "other" majors get accepted to medical school before the "pre-meds"! This is a fact many of our students are not aware of.
Here's a quote from the experts, the Association of American Medical Colleges :
"It should be strongly emphasized that a science major is not a prerequisite for medical school, and students should not major in science simply because they believe this will increase their chances for acceptance."
Sample comment from UCLA Medical:
"...a science major is not a prerequisite for medical school, and students should not major in science simply because they believe this will increase their chances for acceptance."
TIP #2
You can make a successful medical school run by simply taking these courses as an undergrad (below), and also taking courses you like around them:
These courses are the Key.
- One year of BIOLOGY (with lab)
- One year of PHYSICS (with lab)
- One year of organic CHEMISTRY (with lab)
- One year of inorganic CHEMISTRY (with lab)
Remember, this is a short statement, that has to do with strategy and how to handle your medical school try. There are many other angles we discuss in personalized, one-on-one talks. Of course, we have worked with both students who have gotten into medical school with both pre-med as well as other majors. The key is to know what you're doing at all times, and to execute a plan, using tips and strategic moves, while studying as if your life depended on it. ;-)
Our purpose is to lay out a plan to get you "in the door." Frankly, our feeling is that this goal is unquestionably difficult and filled with obstacles. You must strategize, pace yourself, be aware of GPA control, to just mention a few things. In our counseling sessions we try to explain the "rules of engagement," the A, B, Cs. Again, our goal is to get you in.
Other Perspectives?
If you talked to a number of Medical school administrators and experts, they would undoubtedly say some of what we have said above. Some might point out, however, that there are about 23 schools (of over 100) that require calculus. Some might say that calculus would be a plus, or that taking statistics or biochemistry
would be highly recommended. Mmm? But you should hear us when we address strategies and issues in private. We're full of tips and insider's stuff that will arm you! An essential is knowing where your academic strengths (and interests) are, then to take the road that will give you optimal results.
The MCAT Examination is, always, the SHOWDOWN. This is
where we are often knocked to the side. It's a killer, and you must be ready.In addition to the key course requirements listed above, medical schools require that you take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). It's given twice yearly, in April and August, and you usually take it in your senior year. The exam consists of four sections: verbal reasoning, physical sciences, biological sciences, and a writing sample. Scores on the MCAT are reported as three scaled scores, each ranging from 1 (low) to 15 (high). Scores on the writing sample section are reported on an alphabetic scale ranging from J (low) to T (high). Scores below a certain threshold--which we won't publish here--usually mean "it's over."
The key, from our perspective, is to study for the MCAT as if it's life and death. Taking a Kaplan, Princeton Review or one of the other top test strategy courses is highly recommended by Black Excel. Our cultural groups know that this test is their waterloo, and they study for it with a ferocity. If you're buying study guides two months before the test, you don't understand what you're facing. Students of color should begin serious study six months to a year before the test date. Study, study, study!
(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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