HBCU Alumni Chapters from Black Excel
This is the first in a series of HBCU Alumni Chapter contact info presented by Black Excel. We're starting with a partial sampling of "A," "B," "C, and "D" lettered colleges.We will complete this presentation with periodic updates until a strong portal of historically Black alumni gateways are presented.
-Isaac Black, Black Excel founder
Chapter/Associations Listed
1) Alabama A&M University
2) Alabama State University
3) Alcorn State University
4) Benedict College
5) Bennett College
6) Bethune-Cookman College
7) Bowie State University
8) Central State University
9) Cheyney University of
10) Claflin College
11) Clark Atlanta University
12) Coppin State College
13) Dillard UniversityAlabama A&M University
Gateway to Alumni of Development and Alumni Affairs
Staff Members
P.O. Box 348
Normal, AL 35762
(256) 851-5214
email:alumniaffairs@aamu.eduAlumni Affairs Director
Georgia S. Valrie
(256) 340-5286Coordinator, Alumni Relations and Special Events
rswain@aamu.eduPresident Alumni Association
Dr. Charles E. Cannon
(773) 651-4588
Alabama State University
All information for the National Alumni Association
is compiled by the Office of Alumni Relations. The
contact number is (334) 229-4280.Web Gateway to Alumni
http://www.alasu.edu/alumni/chapters.htmlThe largest chapter, with over 100 members, is headed
by President Mr. Aubrey Harris:
Mobile, Alabama 36603
Home: (334) 432-2121Another key chapter, with over 60 members,
is headed by President Dr. James Patrick
Columbus, Georgia 31904
Home: (706) 327-5509
Alcorn State UniversityWeb Gateway to Alumni
http://alumni.alcorn.edu/For Alumni information, contact Felicia Harried at
felicia@lorman.alcorn.edu, or (601)877-3977. Or
Larry Hubbard at lhubbarl@midsouth.rr.com.Alumni Executive Committee
James Minor, President
Mr. Jerry E. Paige, Chaplain
Robert W. Bowles, '66, Immediate Past President
Charles Davis, '69, Director of Alumni Affairs
Angeline S. Roberson, 1st Vice President
George A. Green, Sr., Parliamentarian
Matthew Thomas, Jr., Treasurer
Benedict College
Web Gateway to Alumni
http://www.benedict.edu/go_back.htmlFor information about the Benedict Alumni
Association, contact the alumni Affairs Office
at (800) 868-6598 or (803) 253-5125Director
Mrs. Ada Brown Belton '77
(803) 253-5125
Bennett College
There are more than 100 Bennett alumnae chapters
and contacts across the country.Alumni Gateway
http://www.bennett.edu/alumnae/aluminfo.htm)Office of Alumnae Relations at Bennett College
900 E. Washington Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
Tel: (336) 517-2247
Fax: 336.517.2244
E-mail: mjacobs@bennett.eduPRESIDENT
Ellease Randall Colston '53
Greensboro, NC 27401
Home: (336) 274-6252Dr. Mary D. Jacobs '67
Director of Alumnae Relations and Fund Raising
Greensboro, NC 27401
Office: (336) 517-2247
E-mail: mjacobs@bennett.edu
Bethune-Cookman College
Web gateway to Alumni
ALUMNI_AFFAIRS/alumni_affairs.htmlYou can reach the office of Alumni Affairs
at (904)-255-1401 ext. 380.
Dir. of Alumni Affairs
Mrs. Pinkie B. Oliver
Bethune-Cookman College
Daytona Beach, FL 32114President
Mrs. Myrtle B. Brown
1441 Circle Drive West
Baldwin, N.Y. 11510Vice President
Mr. Audley Coakley
16789 NW 13th Ct.
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
Bowie State University
Web Gateway to Alumni
http://www.bowiestate.edu/alumni/Office of Alumni Relations
Bowie State University
14000 Jericho Park Road
Staff House II
Bowie, MD 20715
(301) 860-4310
Sample Chapters
Anne Arundel: Patricia Handy
410-712-0098Prince George's: Linda Butler
301-868-7660New York-New Jersey: James Bryant
609-772-2489Washington, DC: Qawi Robinson
202-269-1746You can subscribe to the Bowie State Alumni Journal
or e-mail list at:
Central State University
Alumni Office
David E. Black '64 Anita R. Scott
(937) 376-6640 Office
(937) 376-6642 Fax
Administrative Assistant
(937) 376-6641 Office
(937) 376-6642 Fax
info@csu.ces.eduChapters and Presidents
http://www.centralstate.edu/alumni/chapters.htmlAlumni Board of Directors
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Web Gateway to Alumni
http://www.cheyney.edu/interesta.html#chaptersCheyney University
Office of Alumni Relations
(610) 399-2419Cheyney University National Alumni Association
Board of Directors President
Darrell Henderson, '75
(215) 844-4033Contact Personnel
Ms. Karen Roache, '74
Director of Alumni Relations
kroache@cheyney.eduWashington, DC
Loretta Tillery, '96, President
(301) 773-6999North New Jersey & New York
Rev. Michael Eubanks, '78, Area Rep.
(973) 621-7421Pamela West, '81, Area Rep.
Cheyney Office of
Financial Aid
(610) 399-2151
Charles Patterson, Jr., '74, President
(215) 843-1027Pittsburgh
Margaret Christopher, '67, President
(412) 363-8435
Claflin College
Web Gateway to Alumni
http://www.claflin.edu/Alumni/alumni.htmlW. V. Middleton, Vice President for Development
and Alumni Affairs
Claflin University, Office of Development
700 College Avenue NE
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29115-4498
Telephone (803) 535-5347
Fax (803) 535-5371
Clark Atlanta University
Web Gateway to Alumni
http://www.cau.edu/alumni/staff.aspMailing Address
Office of Alumni Relations
Clark Atlanta University
223 James P. Brawley Drive, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314P (404) 880-8022F
Fax (404) 794-8407
e-mail: alumni@cau.eduDirector of Alumni Relations
Dr. Juan A. McGruder
E-mail: jmcgruder@cau.eduProject Coordinator/Manager of Data Base
Mrs. Gay-linn E. Gatewood-Jasho
E-mail: gjasho@cau.eduChapters/Affiliations
http://www.cau.edu/alumni/chapters.aspNational Officers
Coppin State College
Web gateway to Alumni
Mrs. Florine "Peaches" Camphor
3308 Lauri Road
Baltimore, MD 21244Vice President
Mr. James "Winky" Camphor
3308 Lauri Road
Baltimore, MD 21244Secretary
Ms. Pearl Anderson
5650 Light Spun Lane
Columbia, MD 21045Corresponding Secretary
Mr. Charles Alexander
4055 Annellen Road
Baltimore, MD 21215
Dillard University
Web Gateway to Alumni
http://www.dillard.edu/alumni/chapters.htmChapters and contact numbers available
at above link. LA, AL, IL, GA, TX, MN, MI,
CA, NY, and MD are represented.Baton Rouge Chapter
Mrs. Delores Frederick
Baton Rouge. LA 70808
(225) 766-3258New Orleans Chapter
Mr. Josh Williams
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 529-8889Houston Chapter
Mr. Don Hudson
Houston, TX 77084
(214) 780-8047
Concluding HBCU ALUMNI lists
will include...
Fayetteville State University
Fisk University
Florida A&M University
Florida Memorial College
Fort Valley State College
Grambling State University
Hampton University
Harris-Stowe State College
Howard University
Huston-Tillotson College
Jackson State University
Jarvis Christian College
Johnson C. Smith University
Kentucky State University
Knoxville College
Lane College
Langston University
LeMoyne-Owen College
Lincoln University (Pennsylvania)
Livingstone College
Mary Holmes College
Meharry Medical College
Miles College
Mississippi Valley State University
Morehouse College
Morehouse School of Medicine
Morgan State University
Morris Brown College
Morris College
Norfolk State University
North Carolina A&T University
North Carolina Central University
Oakwood College
Paine College
Paul Quinn College
Philander Smith College
Prairie View A&M University
Rust College
Savannah State University
Shaw University
South Carolina State University
Southern University
Spelman College
St. Augustine's College
St. Paul's College
Stillman College
Talladega College
Tennessee State University
Texas College
Texas Southern University
Tougaloo College
Tuskegee University
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of the District of Columbia
Virginia State University
Virginia Union University
Voorhees College
West Virginia State College
Wilberforce University
Wiley College
Winston-Salem State University
Xavier University of Louisiana
(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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