(May through December 2000)
1) Howard University will now offer an On-line MBA
2) Fisk Inaugurates Dr. John L. Smith, Jr. as 12th President
3) Five Oldest Historically Black Colleges and Universities
4) Motorola's $1 Million Gift to Morehouse College:
5) Group Predicts Odds Of Getting Into U-Va
6) Are Black Students Losing Under Proposition 209?Topics:
1) Howard University: An Update
2) Fastweb and the United Negro College Fund
3) Getting In: Some Good and Bad News
4) The Chris Rock College Magazine Debut
5) The Most Popular Bachelor's Degrees
6) A Top University With No Black Freshmen
7) Spelman College: An Update
8) Florida A&M Gets Law SchoolTopics:
1) Ray Charles Gives $2 Million Dollars to HBCU
2) Spelman Receives Million to Help Needy Students
3) Harvard to Offer Doctorate in Black Studies
4) Xavier U. Launches Computer Engineering Program!
5) College? Black Student Enrollment Statistics!
6) Georgia Tech Still #1 In Black Engineering Graduates
7) Black Freshman Wins Debate at Boston College!
8) White Students At Black CollegesTopics:
1) Lift Every Voice and Sing
2) Hampton's New Summer Program
3) Ole Miss Elects First Black Student Body President
4) Emory Tops Colleges For Black Faculty and Tenure
5) Judge Tells Black Colleges to Recruit Whites
6) White Golfers Dominate Black Colleges Tournament
7) A Recent Sampling of Syllabi from Beginner Black Studies CoursesTopics:
1) Halle Berry to Give Keynote Address at Princeton University
2) 144 Things to Do While at Syracuse University
3) Hi-Tech Graduates Increase at Historically Black Colleges & Universities
4) "Where There's A Will..."
5) Hampton University gets $4 million for Journalism Building:
6) Black College Fair in Seattle
7) US News & World Report College Rankings
8) National College Fairs (NACAC)
9) HBCU/MI Educational Technology ConferenceTopics:
1) U. of Wisconsin Fakes Admissions Booklet with Black Face!
2) Morehouse Grad Only HBCU Alumni Awarded Hughes Fellowship
3) "Black Threat Barbie" at U. Texas Called Racially Offensive
4) Do Master's Degrees Really Pay Off?
5) Most Applicants Seeking Admission?
6) Morehouse Coca-Cola Leadership Lecture Series
7) Project Excellence/The Freedom Forum Scholarship Day
8) Xavier University of Louisiana is #1 in Placing
African-Americans into Med SchoolTopics:
1) Howard Univ. Is # 1 in Producing Black Ph.Ds.
2) Hampton and Tennessee State U. Make "Most Wired Colleges" List
3) A Training Program For Future Doctors at U. Penn
4) U. of Maryland Branch Is Beacon for Minorities
in Math and Science
5) Hampton U. Wins Black College Newspaper Award
6) A Look at Black Enrollment at UC Berkeley
7) Three Major HBCU Tech Conferences Scheduled!Topics:
1) Swarthmore Graduates Its Most Diverse Class
2) Black Woman Selected as Brown U. President
3) African Americans and Degrees Awarded
4) Outstanding Black College Students
5) Amazing "Believe It Or Not" Endowment Note
6) Georgia Tech's "Focus 2001" Program for
Prospective Graduate Students
7) Howard University's Monthly E-Newsletter
8) Two Black College Tours from New York City
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide
is now on sale at Amazon.com for $15.95. This gift will
have rallying impact on our aspiring college students.
-Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and author
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