Morehouse College
830 Westview Drive, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314
(800) 851-1254
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"There is an air of expectancy at Morehouse College. It is expected that the student who enters here will do well. It is also expected that once a man bears the insignia of a Morehouse graduate he will do ex-
ceptionally well. We expect nothing less…"
-The Charge of the Graduating Class of 1961Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, President, 1940-1967
College Rank:
Morehouse College is one of the most competitive and highly selective Historically Black Colleges. The school is a member of the Atlanta University Center, the largest private educational consortium with a predominantly black enrollment in the world. The six-college group includes Spelman College, Clark-
Atlanta University, Morris Brown College, the Theo-
logical Center, and Morehouse School of Medicine.Morehouse has an endowment of over $50 million, placing it third behind Spelman and Hampton among Black colleges. The school was founded in l867, and distinguished graduates include Dr. Martin Luther King, Spike Lee, Julian Bond, Olympic gold medallist Edwin Moses, and college presidents Samuel DuBois of Dillard and David Satcher of the Meharry Medical School. In the prestigious 1992 rankings by U.S. News & World Report, Morehouse was ranked eighth of the Liberal Arts Colleges located in the South. In 1994, Nima A. Warfield, a Morehouse senior became the first Rhodes Scholar from an Historically Black College.
The Campus:
Morehouse is a private liberal arts college, located about three miles from downtown Atlanta. Sitting on 61 "metropolitan" acres, there are 35 buildings including residences. You’ll find modern and colo-
nial-style buildings. On a stroll, you’ll pass Gloster Hall which is the main administrative building.The Kilgore Center (a recreation center with pool tables, ping pong, etc.), was completed with a dorm wing. Overhead is a tower, and inside you’ll find the President’s Dinning Room, guest quarters, a student lounge, and a snack bar. At Hope Hall, there is a post office in the basement, and biology labs. The Chemistry and Biology Departments are located in the Nabrit, Mapp, and McBay buildings. There is a computer center, Woodruff Library, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel. Also, there’s a Frederick Douglas Commons (student center) and the Walter R. Chivers Dining Hall. At Archer Hall there is a gym and a swimming pool (which was ready for the l996 Olympics). Just a couple of years ago the campus dormitories were upgraded with air-condi-
tioning. Residences include Samuel T. Graves Hall (190 students), Benjamin Mays Hall (with a central lounge, and a dining hall for 360 students), as well as W.E.B. DuBois, Howard Thurman, and Charles D. Hubert halls. At Franklin L. Forbes Hall there are 169 beds.Getting In:
The acceptance rate at Morehouse is about 69%. In a recent Year, about 2,706 students applied and 1,869 were accepted. Students arrive from approximately 40 states, and 12 foreign countries. The average SAT score is about 1045. Over 82% of the students are from out-of-state. The undergraduate body count is usually about 3,000 full-time students.
Morehouse is looking for future leaders (don't forget this when you're putting your application together), and the admission team will try and admit the best students in their application pool, all factors considered. A GPA in the 85 and above range is desirable. A key factor will be your GPA, because that will signal your academic ability/ drive. If
you are in honors or top classes taking courses like Physics and Chemistry, you are going to look very appealing to the admissions people. Enrollment in top/gifted high schools, or special senior-year programs connected with colleges will be a major plus. Your SAT or ACT score will also be very important. SAT's above l000 combined will place you in excellent position.Academic Reality:
The hardest courses at Morehouse are said to be in biology (pre-med) and math/science tracks. The general consensus seems to be that student diffi-
culties arise when students are not astute enough to balance their academics study/homework) with their recreational activities. To be sure, there is an endless calendar of cultural and social events: Greek affairs and parties, to name just two. You must focus. The problem is more one of using study time wisely than of confronting academic "pressure." There is strong competition. All your classmates are capable, and all are achievers. The most popular majors include: business, psychology, engineering, biology, political science, and English. There are more than 36 majors available, including African and African-American Studies.Note that there are pre-med, pre-law, and pre-den-
tistry tracks. Computer literacy is required for math, accounting, engineering, finance, and man-
agement majors. There is a Phi Beta Kappa chapter (the oldest national academic honor society), on campus. All Morehouse students are part of the Atlanta University Center and can cross-register for classes at Spelman, Clark-Atlanta, and Morris Brown.For those who are interested, Morehouse runs a cooperative 3-2 engineering program with Georgia Tech, and a 3-2 in Architecture program with Mich-
igan State. You attend Morehouse for the first three years and the professional school the final two. You then receive two degrees.There is a Morehouse Academic Scholarship Program (MASP) for incoming freshmen. These awards are for "high academic ability."
Contact admissions for extra info.
Graduation Outlook:
A commendable percent (l0%)* go on to medical school, over 9% to law school, 9% into MBA programs, 7% into engineering, and another 10% into other graduate areas. Morehouse graduates are held in high regard and have little difficulty gaining admission to some of the premier colleges in the U.S.
At a recent baccalaureate commencement 10,000+ showed up. Oprah Winfrey spoke, and Dr. Lerone Bennett, Jr., the executive editor of Ebony, gave the commencement speech. 451 BA and BS degrees were awarded.
*Approx. totals shift yearly, but Morehouse usually has one of the most successful post-graduate place-
ment records of the Historically Black Colleges.
Freshman Orientation:
"The House," as Morehouse is sometimes called, is known for its "mystique." If you and your parent attend the pre-college annual "Prospective Student Seminar," you’ll get a chance to learn about the school’s legacy and mission. The administration, faculty, and students will talk about keys ideals like "character," "scholarship," and "leadership." Once enrolled, there’s a New Student Orientation Program (NSOP) for incoming students and their families. A recent session was titled "Affirming Excellence Through Transformation." You’ll be taken on a campus tour, given financial aid workshops, and more.
During your first day on campus, upperclassmen escort freshmen to Sales Chapel Hall, where you'll hear about graduates like Dr. Martin Luther King and Benjamin Mays, the former Morehouse President. During Freshmen Week, new students must dress in white shirts, slacks, and tie. The freshmen are then drilled in Q&A sessions in hallways by upperclass-
men. New students are required to know about the history and tradition of Morehouse and are given a booklet for review. After induction, students are treated to a day at the amusement park at Six Flags in Atlanta. "Spirit Night," a Morehouse rallying event, usually occurs within the first week of the academic year. You are inspired with speeches about the meaning/tradition of becoming a "Morehouse Man."
Campus Life:
Be aware that Spelman women are only a step away and are an integral part of the social/dating/classroom scene at Morehouse. The social scene is "lively," to say the least. Each Morehouse freshman is paired with a Spelman sister. At the start, you’ve got a "friend and adjustment buddy." Remember that co-ed classes are common, and the total social fabric is just about shared at parties, sporting events, and the sister-brother Greek scene.
At Morehouse, there are about 70 clubs, organiza-
tions, and special interest groups. All the Major Eight fraternities and sororities (counting Spelman) are on campus, and are very active.Other outlets that might be of interest include: National Student Council for Africa (NSSCA), NAACP, Gospel Theater Ensemble, Morehouse Mathelethics Club, Nation of Islam Student Association, Frederick Douglas Tutorial Institute, Morehouse Business Association, Black Men for the Education of Sexism, Morehouse Powerlifting Tigers, National Society of Black Engineers, National Association of Black Accountants, Southern Christian Leadership Con-
ference, Tae-Know-Do Club, Young Business World Association, a radio/TV station, chess club, lit-
erary and newspaper (Maroon Tiger) publications, music groups, a marching band, pre-professional clubs, a debate team, and choral groups. The Glee Club performed at President Clinton’s 1992 in-
auguration.On Western Drive you’ll find tennis and basketball courts. Also, there’s the Archer Hall Recreation and Fitness Center. ROTC is available. Lastly, there’s the world of nearby Atlanta. You’ll find the under-
ground mall, restaurants, clubs, and a nightlife that is easily accessible. Morehouse is a member of the NCAA (Division II), with basketball, football, track (including cross-country), and tennis teams.Howard University is a perennial rival.
Application deadline: February 15th.
Financial aid deadline: April 14th. Recommendation: submit as soon as possible after January 1st. FAFSA, CSS Profile, and a school form required.
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