The Black Excel Newsletter
January, 2003
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1) Historically Black College Acceptance Rates 2001- 2002
(2) The United Negro College Fund's "Evening of Stars"
(January 4, 2003)
(3) Chicago Historically Black College Fair
(4) Historical College and Cultural History Tour by
(5) Black College Expo, Los Angeles Convention Center
(January 25, 2003)
Historically Black College Acceptance Rates
2001-2002(Partial List of HBCUs)
Howard Univ. (DC)--6,120 applied, 4,137 accepted (RATE: 68%)
Morehouse College (GA)--2,094 applied, 1,620 accepted (77%)
Spelman College (GA)--3,527 applied,1,744 accepted (49%)
Clark Atlanta Univ.--(GA)--4,336 applied, 3,228 accepted (74%)
Florida A&M University--5,820 applied, 4,160 accepted (71%)
Fisk University (TN)--1,083 applied, 702 accepted (65%)
Bethune Cookman Coll.(FL)--3,098 applied, 1,721 accepted (56%)
Hampton University (VA)--5,755 applied, 3,280 accepted (57%)
Norfolk State Univ. (VA)--3,989 applied, 3,204 accepted (80%)
Virginia State University--3,247 applied, 2,917 accepted (90%)
Lincoln University (PA)--3,220 applied, 1,634 accepted (51%))
Cheyney University of PA--1,249 applied, 874 accepted (70%)
South Carolina St. Univ.(SC)--3,597 applied, 1,998 accepted (56%)
Claflin University (SC)--2,025 applied, 903 accepted (45%)
Bennett College (NC)--1,050 applied, 655 accepted (62%)
Johnson C. Smith Univ. (NC)--4,542 applied, 2,019 accept. (44%)
North Carolina A&T State Univ. (Data not presented)*--(83%)
North Carolina Central U.--2,167 applied, 1,647 accepted (77%)
Xavier University of LA--3,970 applied. 3,399 accepted (86%)
Dillard University (LA)--3,020 applied, 1,978 accepted (66%)
Tuskegee University (AL)--2.312 applied, 1,550 accepted (67%)
Grambling University (LA)--2,661 applied, 1,549 accepted (58%)
Tennessee State Univ.--6,010 applied, 3,317 accepted (50%)
Central State Univ. (OH)--2,567 applied, 1,270 accepted (49%)
Morgan State Univ. (MD)--9,160 applied, 3,158 accepted (34%
Alcorn State Univ. (MS)--3,780 applied, 1,307 accepted (35%)
Jackson State Univ. (MS)--6,834 applied, 2,398 accepted (35%)
Talladega College (AL)--1,655 applied, 1,151 accepted (70%)
Shaw University (NC)--2,908 applied, 1855 accepted (64%)
St. Augustine's Coll. (NC)--2,181 applied, 893 accepted (41%)
Winston-Salem St. Univ. (NC)--1,914, 1,451 accepted (76%)
Bowie State Univ. (MD)--2,032 applied, 1,073 accepted (53%)
Coppin State Coll. (MD)--1,910 applied, 1,451 accepted (76%)
Morris Brown College (GA)--3,278 applied, 2,188 accepted (67%)
(Black Excel list created using data presented in US News & World Report "Best Colleges" edition [2003].)
The United Negro College Fund's
"Evening of Stars"
(January 4, 2003)UNCF's "Evening of Stars: A Celebration of Educational Excellence" is scheduled to be televised January 4, 2003 on more than 70 stations across the country. The show allows UNCF the opportunity to raise funds to support HBCUs and financially disadvantaged students. The four-hour broadcast will air from 7 to 11 PM. Featured performers will include Lou Rawls, Vivica A. Fox, India Arie, Jill Scott, Luther Vandross, Gerald Levert, Angie Stone, Yolanda Adams, Kirk Franklin, Donnie McKlurkin, and other stars. Contact: Ferenc Tshibangu, UNCF:703-205-3510. Or go to:
(Some stations will air the program on 1/5/2003.)
Chicago Historically Black College Fair
Dates: January 17 & 18, 2003
(Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m)Fair at the Grand Ballroom at the Navy Pier
600 E. Grand Avenue/Chicago, IL
Contact numbers: (773) 553- 3540, (773) 298-1590
Historical College and Cultural History Tour by THE THURSTON GROUP OF WASHINGTON STATE
Starting point: Seattle, WA
(April 9 – April 20, 2003)This Thurston Group tour will give students an overview of college life and the opportunity to talk with admissions offices about aid, scholarships, work-study, loans, and more. This tour will be take 13 traveling days.
Colleges visited: Fisk, Tennessee State, Lane College, LeMoyne Owen, Oakwood, Miles, Talladega, Stillman, Spelman, Morehouse, Clark-Atlanta, Morris Brown, Tuskegee, Rust, Bethune-Cookman, and Florida Memorial.
The cost: $1000.00 PLUS AIR FAIR ($350.00 - $425.00).
Deposit due by February 15th. Call for extra info.The Thurston Group of Washington State
6109 15th Avenue SE
Lacey WA 98503Telephone: (360) 459-9357 – Fax (360) 459-2795.
Black College Expo
Los Angeles Convention Center
January 25, 2003This expo (from 9am to 5 pm) will feature over 50 Historically Black Colleges, including admissions and scholarship info, and more.
Partial Schedule:
09:30 – 10:00 AM: Steps to Preparing for College/Careers in the Music Business
10:00 – 10:45 AM: Benefits of attending an HBC – panel discussion
02:30 – 3:00 PM: Nike Hip Hop Fashion Show
03:00 – 04:00 PM: High School Cheerleading Spotlight
04:15 - 05:00 PM: Step ShowFor extra info go to:
Or call at: (909) 396-0151. Admission: $3.00. Students under 12 years free.
(Produced by Future Trends Marketing Group.)
A TIMELINEThe following excerpt outlines how this HBCU lost it's accreditation. It's from The Associated Press/Newsday, December 10, 2002.
JUNE 1999: Dolores Cross becomes president.
SEPT. 1999-MARCH 2000: Feds help MBC develop process to apply for student aid.
MARCH 2000: MBC agrees to repay feds $463,000 in student aid money it couldn't justify receiving. Feds take school off reimbursement.
AUGUST 2000: MBC announces it will become nation's first historically black college to go wireless.
NOV./DEC. 2000: MBC students complain to state about inaccurate financial aid awards.
JANUARY 2001: State conducts on-site review, requires MBC to return more than $1 million in loans for students.
State notifies feds of potential problem in financial aid office.
APRIL 2001: Feds begin assessment of financial aid office at MBC.
JUNE/JULY 2001: Assessment turns up numerous duplicate awards to students and disbursements for people not enrolled at MBC.
AUGUST 2001: Feds consider putting school back on
reimbursement but hold off because of upcoming on-site visit by the college's accreditation agency. MBC is told to have student aid approved before it is drawn down from federal accounts.AUG./NOV./DEC. 2001: Feds do on-site audit of financial aid disbursement, find 80-90 percent error rate in student files. Feds tell Cross that on-site monitoring will continue through spring term.
DECEMBER 2001: The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Morris Brown's accreditation agency, puts the college on probation for poor financial management and staffing concerns.
DECEMBER 2001: Computer Sales International sues MBC for $4.2 million for failing to pay for students' laptops.
DECEMBER 2001: MBC announces that students who have
unpaid bills will not get housing for spring semester.JANUARY 2002: MBC draws down $8 million in federal aid without prior approval from feds. School begins repaying debts to vendors. MBC is placed on reimbursement. Inspector general's office is notified of potential fraud.
FEB./MARCH 2002: Feds begin analysis to determine how much of the $8 million MBC must return. Cross and Financial Aid Director Parvesh Singh resign.
JULY 2002: Analysis by private firm shows MBC must return $5.39 million to feds. College requests payment plan.
AUGUST 2002: Fall semester begins.
SEPTEMBER 2002: Feds reject 100 percent of school's applications for federal aid because of errors. Charles Taylor becomes president.
SEPT. 18, 2002: U.S. immigration officials charge MBC professor with selling visas to foreigners who don't enroll at the college. Feds investigate whether school also received financial aid for these students.
OCT. 1, 2002: Southern Association deadline for fiscal year 2002 audit.
OCT. 28, 2002: Southern Association to begin visit.
DEC. 10, 2002: Morris Brown announces it has lost its accreditation.
For more, go to:
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Click on book image.
Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder, & Kristin S. Black, MD
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholarships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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