The Black Excel Newsletter
December, 2001
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1) BLACK COLLEGE EXPO, Los Angeles Convention Center, West Hall
(3) Medical School Applicant Pool Continues to Decline
(4) The African American Pre-Law School Advice Guide: Things You Really Need to Know before Applying to Law School
(5) Fifth Annual Regional HBCU Summit on Retention (Maryland)
(6) A ListServ for African-American Law and Prelaw Students:
(7) ACT Score Averages for Ethic Groups for the Year 2001
Los Angeles Convention Center, West HallThe Annual Black College Expo will be held on Saturday, January 26, 2002 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The Expo is designed to raise awareness among young people and their parents about the college admissions process, and encourage African-American teens to attend college, specifically Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Over 40 HBCUs are scheduled to appear, and the event will include a Fashion and Step Show and other entertainment. Admission is $3.00. Children under 12 years of age can enter free of charge. For extra info you can e-mail or call us at: (909) 396-7722.
"AN EVENING OF STARS" -- JANUARY 5, 2002The UNCF will present its annual fund-raising event, a celebration for "Educational Excellence," on Saturday, 1/5/02* (check local listings for station, date and times). This yearly fund-raiser has amassed over $200 million in financial assistance for UNCF students and member HBCUs. A host of stars and quests will appear, including Lou Rawls, Destiny's Child, Boyz II Men, "Babyface" Edmonds, Bishop T.D. Jakes, and Brown University President Dr. Ruth Simmons. Besides performances and testimonials, the profiles of UNCF alumni and students will be presented. The UNCF administers more than 450 scholarships and fellowships each year, and has raised $1.8 billion (helping over 300,000 students get degrees) since its creation. A toll-free pledge telephone number will be onscreen throughout this broadcast. For extra info you can contact Suzanne Ffolkes, of the UNCF at 703/205-3566 or visit the website at
(*In some markets, shows will air on Sunday, 1/06/02.)
Medical School Applicant Pool
Continues to DeclineAccording to recently released Association of American Medical Colleges data, nearly 35,000 students applied to U.S. medical schools for the 2001-2002 school year. This year's applicant pool of 34,859 represents a 6 percent decline in the number of applicants from 2000-2001. Despite the decline, however, the applicant pool is still more than double the number of available spots. While the number of underrepresented minority applicants -- which the AAMC classifies as black, Native American, Mexican American/Chicano, and Mainland Puerto Rican -- also declined from last year by 4.5 percent (4,284 to 4,091), the number of underrepresented minority matriculants increased 2.6 percent, from 1,741 in 2000 to 1,786 in 2001. For the press release go to
The African American Pre-Law School Advice
Guide: Things You Really Need to Know Before
Applying to Law SchoolThis outstanding guide by Evangeline M. Mitchell, who holds a Doctorate of Jurisprudence (J.D.) from the University of Iowa College of Law, is a must read for students interested in gaining admission to law school. It's a help tutorial, A to Z. You'll find pre-law resources, the ABCs of Law School Acceptance, guidelines for recommenders, profiles of Black law schools, a listing of Black Law Firsts, Special Admissions Programs, and
much more. To pre-order copies due out in January, please contact Ms. Mitchell at hope's promise publishing, P.O. Box 631234, Houston, Texas 77263-1234, or e-mail at The author's website is at This guide is highly recommended, a Black Excel pick.
Fifth Annual Regional HBCU Summit
On Retention (Maryland)The purpose of this Summit is to provide opportunities for representatives of all groups to come together to: address the problem of retention of African-American students in colleges and universities and discuss related issues. Educators at all levels are encouraged to attend as well as parents, students, legislators involved in educational policymaking, the business community, and others. If you are interested in increasing the pool of African-American college graduates, you are welcome. The Summit will be held on 7 - 9 (Thursday to Saturday) March, 2002 at the Sheraton Hotel Ocean City, Maryland (1-800-638-2100). The sponsors include six HBCUs including Morgan State and Virginia Union, the Maryland Higher Education Commission, and other notable supporters. For more information, please contact: Dr. Ann L. Gaskins-Nedd/301-860-3390/
A ListServ for African-American Law and Pre-law Students:
Students and Educators who are interested in becoming members of a very strong and informative listserv for law and related topics, should email Terrie Robinson (the moderator) at on how to subscribe. Also note that Terrie has been in the process of developing an online law school preparation course which focuses on case briefing and analysis, outlining, exam writing, and the Socratic method. Some helpful tutoring has occurred. Email for updates and helpful possibilities.
ACT Score Averages for Ethnic Groups
For the Year 2001The ACT (administered by the American College Testing program), is a national test that many of our students take as a requirement for college entrance. Although students usually take the SAT test, colleges in the Midwest and South often prefer the ACT. Either test score is generally acceptable. Here are the Average Ethnic scores for the ACT test for 2001:
Caucasians -- 21.8
Asian-Americans -- 21.7
Puerto-Rican/Hispanics --19.4
Native and Alaskan Americans --18.8
Mexican-American/Chicano --18.5
African-Americans --16.9For ACT info call (319) 337-1000) or go to
(Stats reported August 13, 2001 by the ACT group.)
(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.)
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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